Text-in-Context Essay: The essay will be the accumulation of the knowledge you’v

Text-in-Context Essay: The essay will be the accumulation of the knowledge you’v

Text-in-Context Essay: The essay will be the accumulation of the knowledge you’ve acquired on your topic. Here you will take a critically and ethically informed position-an academic argument. Working with claims, evidence, and discussions, you will persuade your readers that you have a legitimate and credible position. Rather than merely summarizing the experts, you will offer your readers your own “interpretive lens” that is informed by the
“experts”-i.e. your research.
Write a well-organized, thought-out, critical analysis essay with MLA bibliography. It should be 4-6 pages standard academic format-double-spaced, approximately one-inch margins, 12-point Times font, and no cover page. Aside from the essays assigned, make use of at least two other sources.
Make sure to do Peer Reviews of two other students’ essays.
Remember this essay is relatively short for a research paper, so a more focused topic will serve you better. I strongly encourage you to ask questions rather than state a position at this point. You may want to begin by creating a thesis question-something you plan on investigating. Begin with some preliminary investigation by looking at least two sources (I recommend more than two). You must get approval of your topic before the final proposal is due and you move on to drafting the essay. [4-6 pages]
Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography includes short summaries of the sources you may possibly use, and it allows you to organize and to analyze your various sources. As I stated in class, you won’t necessarily use all the sources you have listed on your annotated bibliography. The bibliography reflects the experts from which you have chosen to draw. It also reflects the quality of your research, so choose your experts wisely. [4-6 sources total