The course content explored how the sociological imagination, as developed by Mi

The course content explored how the sociological imagination, as developed by Mi

The course content explored how the sociological imagination, as developed by Mills in 1959, can be applied to the issue of victim-blaming in modern-day society. Relying on the article by Ghidina (2019) to frame the presentation of victim-blaming and the re-victimization of victims, an argument was made that both can occur within a societal framework that focuses on the dehumanization of certain subgroups of people. At the end of the presentation are listed the following four concepts: Dehumanization Lack of empathy for the “other” Victim-blaming Revictimization First, develop a working knowledge of these concepts. Then, for this discussion post, create a concept map in which you demonstrate a clear understanding of their meaning and how they are connected when it comes to the re-victimization of rape/sexual victims by the police during the initial interviewing process. What concept mapping is and the steps you will need to take to complete the assignment: A concept map is a visual representation of a topic that you can create using words, phrases, lines, and arrows to organize ideas and show your understanding of an idea, an issue, or an essential question. It involves the following steps: Step 1 involves a brainstorming session which ends in the jotting down of notes associated with the main issue or question. This should be accomplished by reviewing carefully the course content or any notes that you might have taken when first perusing that material. Step 2 requires you to see how these concepts that you have identified might be connected or linked together in some meaningful way. Continuing with the “pen or pencil to paper” process, sketch that out and organize it in a way that will allow you to take the final step in this process. Step 3 is the creation of the concept map using a software tool designed for that purpose. There are many free concept mapping software such as