The Journal assignment is available for Modules 2-5. You have to complete a tota
The Journal assignment is available for Modules 2-5. You have to complete a total of three Journal entries, which means that you can miss one.
The purpose of the Journals is to show you can explain course content and apply key terms to contemporary issues or everyday life.
Appropriately utilise at least ONE keyword or concept from the Module that your Journal entry is focusing on.
Contain relevant (and ideally, original) examples (e.g. pictures, links, videos, screenshots, citations etc.) that appropriately and effectively support or provide context for your points, observations and arguments.
Journal entries must apply and reference the week’s assigned readings/course material. Where concepts come from readings, the reading should be cited, not the lecture videos.
Make sure to include a list of references/works cited at the bottom of your Journal entry.
The word count for each Journal entry is 400-450 words (this does not include references/works cited list).
Completion, Assessment and Marking
Journal entries should have an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The introduction should give the reader an idea of what points you will argue in relation to course content or key terms from the Module.
The writing style should adhere to best writing practices – please spell check, grammar check and proofread – and reference the authors/readings that you are drawing from. Opinions are fine, but must be informed by course material – even if you disagree!
Author attribution is required when using their ideas or directly quoting from them. Please write using the MLA referencing style. Visit the The Libary’s website for resources on MLA.
You are welcome to be creative in your approach at maximising words by embedding visual examples that support your claims. In order to include images in your Journal entry, you need to save these on your computer first and then add them by using the + sign from the menu at the top of your Journal entry.
If you are embedding links that is fine but do not paste entire URLs in the middle of the Journal entry, these can go in the list of works cited instead.
Your Journal entries will be marked using the following seven broad criteria:
1. Coverage of important issues
2. Use and evidence of reading
3. Depth of understanding
4. Strength of argument
5. Structure and expression
6. Spelling, grammar, referencing
7. Creativity and originality