The journal will focus on your experience with the course material. In Week 9 y

The journal will focus on your experience with the course material. In Week 9 y

The journal will focus on your experience with the course material. In Week 9 you will focus your reflection only on the article by Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2006), found in the required readings. Students should write using their own words to summarize how the material has influenced them.
Make sure that the file you are submitting is a Word document-type file – .doc or .docx. Your assignment is due on Sunday, by 11:59 pm EST.
The journal should be about 2 and no more than 3 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference page).
Address the following questions (use the questions as headings):
How did the material (readings, videos, and PowerPoint) illuminate and/or change your view of yourself? (½ to ¾ of a page)
How did the material (readings, videos, and PowerPoint) illuminate and/or change your view of others? (½ to ¾ of a page)
Using concrete examples of modalities and cases, how could what you learned about trauma be addressed in your practice (present or future)? Be sure to include your rationale. (1 to 1 1/2 pages) Please note: This question is worth twice as many points as the first two questions, and this should be reflected in the depth of the descriiption presented.
Please be sure to use citations and references, and include a reference page if directly referring to course materials. Direct quotes are discouraged. Please paraphrase material with citations rather than use direct quotes.
Use this link to the Paraphrasing Properly video for more directions on how to paraphrase material rather than use direct quotes: to an external site.
Journal Rubric (2)
Journal Rubric (2)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf view
Descriiption of how the material illuminated and/or changed your view of yourself; ½ to ¾ page
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeView of others
Descriiption of how the material illuminated and/or changed your view of others; ½ to ¾ page
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePractice view
Descriiption of how what you learned about trauma could be addressed in your practice (using concrete examples of modalities and cases); 1 – 1 1/2 pages
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format
APA used to format paper (title page, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font); journal length was 2-3 pages; headings used for the 3 sections; in-text citations and reference page follow APA format; writing was clear, concise, well-organized, and close to error free.
2 pts
Total Points: 10