The original contribution, an open-ended project, demonstrates your ability to c

The original contribution, an open-ended project, demonstrates your ability to c

The original contribution, an open-ended project, demonstrates your ability to create a unique product to support your field of study. No pre-approval is required.
Your original contribution is the key to advancing your field of study. When creating this, think about the hot topics, trends, and areas where gaps in knowledge exist. As a professional, it is your (new) responsibility to minimize these gaps by contributing thoughts and evidence-based practices that will further the understanding of others. For this submission, you will create an original project demonstrating expertise in your field. Although it may contain up to 25% of a previously completed course assignment, the product should exhibit a significant expansion of the initial idea.
This week, you will share your original contribution and a summary of the contribution.
Step 1.
Select a project idea and think about why you chose this particular project and how it is connected to your ACE coursework ( M.Ed in Biology Education) and your professional growth. Examples:
Submit an article for publication in a professional, peer-reviewed journal.
Contribute to a professional newsletter, and post to a professional website.
Conduct a professional development training session for your school/city/professional organization (documented with agenda/PowerPoint/evaluations as all three are required).
Present at a professional conference.
Create a professional multimedia presentation and share your work through an online platform or comparable form of communication/media.
Create your own blog or webpage to post your contribution (your name must be posted as the author).
Step 2.
Complete your project on the most authentic format. It may contain up to 25% of a previously completed course assignment but should exhibit a significant expansion of the initial idea.
Step 3.
Write a summary of the project not to exceed 1 page. Describe the logistics of the plan (when, where, how, for whom it was designed, etc.). Also, describe why you chose this particular project and how it is connected to your ACE coursework. No APA-formatted in-text citations or references are necessary. Step 4.
Submit your original contribution and summary to the assignment in two consecutive submissions. callout_arrow-01.png You will submit the two parts of your assignment in consecutive submissions using the “Start Assignment” and “New Attempt” buttons. Both submissions are visible to your faculty member, but Canvas only displays the most recent submission to students. Submission 1 – Original Contribution
Submit your original contribution using the appropriate assignment submission type (i.e., File Upload, Web URL, or Text Entry).
callout_arrow-01.png For any video file, ACE recommends Kaltura for submission regardless of the original recording tool. See the ″Submit Kaltura Media to an Assignment″ guide for a tutorial.
If you submit a URL, ensure it provides access to your product without restriction. After Submission 1, click “New Attempt” at the top of the assignment page to submit the second part of your assignment. Submission 2 – Summary Submit your summary using the File Uploads assignment submission type.