The Policy Analysis Assignment is designed to identify a criminal justice policy

The Policy Analysis Assignment is designed to identify a criminal justice policy

The Policy Analysis Assignment is designed to identify a criminal justice policy that regulates an issue or problem.  The Policy Analysis Assignment will consist of at least 15 pages (excluding title page, references, figures, illustrations, or other extraneous elements outside the main body of the paper). Students will format their paper using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and double spacing. Students will use at least 4 references (Wikipedia or blogs CANNOT be used as a reference). APA 7th Edition guidelines are to be followed. The structure of the assignment must include the following sections and mandatory headings:
Title Page
With clear thesis statement: “The purpose of this paper is….”
Description of the Criminal Justice Issue
Description of the Criminal Justice Policy that Addresses the Criminal Justice Issue
The Intended and Unintended Consequences of the Criminal Justice Policy in Relation to Addressing the Criminal Justice Issue
Analysis of Intended and Unintended Consequences of the Criminal Justice Policy in Addressing the Criminal Justice Issue