The T2D excel file Download T2D excel filecontains all patients that you identif

The T2D excel file Download T2D excel filecontains all patients that you identif

The T2D excel file Download T2D excel filecontains all patients that you identified with an ICD diagnosis of diabetes that visited a clinic or hospital within the past year. In this data set, you pulled all procedures and observations (OBS), race (RACE), and gender (GENDER) for each patient. You also provided each patient with a study ID (STUDYID) to avoid having personal identifiable information in the registry. For this assignment, you may use any statistical software (including excel). You must provide descriptions of your methods and code (if applicable) used to calculate your responses in addition to the numeric answers for each question. You will be graded heavily on your description of your methods or “the how you got your answer.” Assess the overall population How many unique patients are there in the file? Which races do the patients represent? How many patients (# and proportion %) in each race? What is the average age of the population? Range? Median? Identify patients with Hemoglobin A1C testing on record What is the name of the OBS value that codes for A1C test/observation in the data set? How many patients (# and %) had ≥1 test on record? How many total tests were conducted during this time period for the entire population? What is the Average, Median, and Range of tests among those who were tested? How many patients are managing their diabetes (defined as ≥2 A1C tests)? How many patients in each race have their diabetes managed/unmanaged? What is the average age of the managed diabetes population? Range? Median? Helpful features and commands for those using Excel: Data tab -> Data Tools -> Remove Duplicates Data tab -> Sort & Filter -> Advanced Filter -> Filter Data tab -> Sort & Filter -> Advanced Filter -> Unique records only =AVERAGE() =AVERAGEIF() =COUNTIF() =COUNTIFS() =IF() =MAX() =MEDIAN() =MIN()