There is no central authority or body of laws that govern all juvenile justice s

There is no central authority or body of laws that govern all juvenile justice s

There is no central authority or body of laws that govern all juvenile justice systems or juvenile law in general. In contrast, the US Constitution does provide a central authority for the adult criminal justice system. Attempts have been made to provide uniformity to juvenile law. The Uniform Juvenile Court Act of 1968 (UJCA) was one such effort. The UJCA outlined several fundamental rights that adults have in criminal cases and applied them to juvenile proceedings.
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Download the Rights Assignment Sheet-1.docxDownload Rights Assignment Sheet-1.docx
Review the list of rights in the Right Column and the awarded right for Adults [Adult Criminal] in the Second Column. Fill in Yes or No or Undecided in the Third Column [Juvenile Court] to indicate whether or not a juvenile is afforded this protection under federal law. Fill in Column Four [Supreme Court Case], for those rights you indicated apply to juveniles, cite the US Supreme Court Case this right was awarded.
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