This assignment is a continuation of a prior assignment. Please use the M2 draft

This assignment is a continuation of a prior assignment. Please use the M2 draft

This assignment is a continuation of a prior assignment. Please use the M2 draft as this was a paper that was initially submitted in week 2 of the course and the professor provided feedback at the end of that document.
Create another section in your community health needs assessment plan for Data Analysis. Here, describe the data you gathered last week in your survey (qualitative and quantitative), any problems with the data collection process, and how you will address those problems.
In the document section, locate the section you created last week called Survey Instrument. Analyze the survey results from your classmates, make any necessary changes to your survey instrument, and include it on this page.
While you will be graded on your entries at the end of the week, the document is an evolving document that will help you create your plan’s executive summary and corresponding presentation. As such, you can continue to edit and modify your entries throughout the process.
This section of your community health assessment should be 3-4 pages and follow current APA guidelines. Attach resources as needed within the last 5 years.
Grading Rubric:
1. Depth of knowledge/Application: Data Analysis: Student clearly and thoroughly identifies and discusses the data gathered in the survey, any issues that arose with the data collection process and how those issues will be mitigated.
2. Depth of Knowledge/Application: Sources of Data: Student clearly analyzes the survey results, and makes necessary changes to the survey. The survey is included.
3. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidence and Support: Student clearly articulates a thorough examination of the evidence related to the topic through various and current examples.
4. Academic Writing: Writing demonstrates attention to logic and reasoning of points; writing is unified and clearly leads the reader through the points presented. Writing is of high quality and in scholarly tone and has high quality references.
5. Format (APA, Spelling, Grammar, Length): Entry meets length requirements with no errors in APA format, spelling, or grammar.
I am attaching the instructions for each of the prior course work assignments that was completed.
M1 Community Health assessment: Write a paper evaluating the purpose of a community health assessment. What are the key benefits to doing one? How does it fulfill the public health core function of assessment? As part of the paper, make sure to identify the community for which you will conduct the community health assessment.
In answering these questions, envision that you are leading a community health assessment effort and want to get others who are not involved in public health involved in your planning. How would you explain what it is and why you are doing it? Explain it in a way that makes sense to someone who is not familiar with public health concepts (in other words, no jargon).
M2 County Community Health Assessment Plan: For the duration of this course, you will be working to create a community health assessment plan. You will gather the information from a variety of different websites.
Create a section called Community and Stakeholders. In this section, identify and describe the county community and the stakeholders you envision you will need to work with to create your community health assessment. How will you involve these people and organizations? What problems do you foresee? How will you overcome them?
In your document, create a Sources of Data heading. In this section, create a Primary and Secondary Data section. Describe the different types of data you will use for your county. Justify your choices. List the various secondary data sources and begin to collect information specific to your chosen county. Consider the following sources:
State/county Health Rankings
State/county Department of Health and Senior Services
Census Data Center
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
State Medicaid/Medicare
State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
State Department of Natural Resources
While you will be graded on your entries at the end of the week, the document is an evolving artifact that will help you create your plan’s executive summary and corresponding presentation. As such, you can continue to edit and modify your entries throughout the process.
M3 Developing Survey Questions for Primary Data Collection: Now that you have identified the secondary data sources available to you, make a list of knowledge or data gaps you will need to fill in the primary data collection via a survey. Develop 15-20 survey questions that can be used to collect the missing data that is imperative for a community health assessment.
After developing your questions, add a 1- to 2-page narrative that justifies why you chose those survey questions. You will be working on the various components of the community health assessment throughout the course.
This section of your community health assessment should be 2-3 pages and follow current APA guidelines.