This week’s discussion is all about heat/phase changes in the practical world. T

This week’s discussion is all about heat/phase changes in the practical world.

This week’s discussion is all about heat/phase changes in the practical world.
Think up a way in which heat/phase changes exist in the practical world. This can be a man made or completely naturally occurring event.Some example to get the brains going (yes you can pick one of these if desired): How does sweat cool us down? What causes wind or weather events like tornados/hurricanes/snow/rain/hail? Why/how do we use heat to create most of our electrical power? How does your gas/electric stove cook food? How do we create 3D prints of materials using thermal energy? How does the air conditioning in your house work? Is there a better way to cool your refrigerator that got wiped out decades ago by big electricity? How do we use heat to do work? Does heat cause waves in the ocean? How does it aid in making fried treats in an air fryer? etc
Once you have your topic, you briefly research that example then you will reply here about it. Please include the following in your reply:
What the example is.
What type of heat exchange/ phase change is occurring.
Where/ how is that heat exchange/ phase change occurring.
A brief description of how that heat exchange/ phase change causes or drives your example.
This initial reply is worth 5 points and is due March 22, 2024.
Reply to at least one other student to discuss their example.If it is the same example that you picked, either add on to their explanation, or point out how they expanded on your example in ways you didn’t.
If it is a different example than the one you used, you can reply about how you have experienced that process yourself or you can try to imagine up a way in which their example can be used or useful in general.
Basically just try to expand on their post and add to it.
This reply is worth 5 points and is due March 24, 2024.
Ensure you are subscribed to the discussion, so you remember to come back and view the replies to your post!
Grading: This discussion is due by the end of the day on March 24. You may post after it is due, however if you are late there will be a 10% penalty per day, up to a maximum of 50% off for over 5 days late. (That is, if you are 5 or more days late, you can still participate for half credit.)