Title. Give a title that best summarizes your paper Introduction. Give a brief i

Title. Give a title that best summarizes your paper
Introduction. Give a brief i

Title. Give a title that best summarizes your paper
Introduction. Give a brief introduction to your essay. You should clarify the
question you would want to deal with
Position. State your position toward the paper, i.e., whether you agree or disagree with the positions of the author
Argument/s. Provide argument/s to support your position, which can be based on the readings, or the three major moral theories, or your own ideas
Counter-argument and response. Think of a possible criticism to your argument and response to it
Conclusion. Provide a brief conclusion of your position and argument/s as you have mentioned above.
Bibliography. (Citation format for example: APA, MLA or Chicago)
Word Limit: Between 1500-2500 words but *not* including bibliography, footnotes and endnotes
Reference: Citations or quotations format for example, APA, MLA or Chicago
The use of AI in your essay writing is referred to as the “Guidelines for Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in Teaching and Learning (2023/24) (For Students)” in Moodle.