Topic Paper (April 23) 50%: In 6 single- spaced pages, pick a topic of dispute

Topic Paper (April 23) 50%: In 6 single- spaced pages, pick a topic of dispute

Topic Paper (April 23) 50%: In 6 single- spaced pages, pick a topic of dispute and present the problem and who to address it. Choose from one of the following:
b. When and how was the canon determined?
Please use the sources attached & listed here as Primary, BUT you may also include some other sources. Darrell. L. Bock and Robert Webb, Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010. (= WUNT volume from Mohr/Siebeck)
Williams, Peter J. Can We Trust the Gospels?
Wright, N. T. Resurrection
Last week of Christ by Schnabel, Köstenberger