Week 3 Case Study: Respiratory Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 25 Submitting a fi

Week 3 Case Study: Respiratory
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 25
Submitting a fi

Week 3 Case Study: Respiratory
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 25
Submitting a file upload
Use the Case Study Template to complete. Download Use the Case Study Template to complete.
Be sure to include at least one reference.
Include in-text citations as needed.
Select one case to discuss. Case 1: A 9-year-old female presents with her mother complaining of a dry cough that “wakes up everyone in the house” each night for the last two weeks. 
Case 2: A 29-year-old newly immigrated woman complains of weakness, shortness of breath, cough and night sweats for the past month.
Case 3: A 38-year-old artist has smoked since she was 18 years old. She has noticed a mild, occasionally productive cough for the past few months. On a recent trip to the mountains, she developed shortness of breath that caused her to be nauseated. She has had no fever or chills. Her medical history includes hypertension for which she is using lisinopril, metoprolol, and hydrochlorothiazide.