week 4. Please post your answers as replies to my “response” threads listing the

week 4.
Please post your answers as replies to my “response” threads listing the

week 4.
Please post your answers as replies to my “response” threads listing the readings rather than posting directly into the forum — thanks!
Before class Monday, please answer the usual questions about:
The Dynamics of Law, Chapter 2
Peter Savodnik, “A ‘Trojan Horse’ in the Los Angeles D.A.’s Office,” Common Sense, https://www.commonsense.news/p/when-a-prosecutor-w…
Before class Wednesday, please answer the usual questions about:
The Dynamics of Law, Chapter 3
The Lone Liberal Republican, A Politically Moderate Guide to Police Reform, including Things You Can Do to Help, Reform #3: Reform Crisis Response.
1. What is the proposal?
2. Do you think it will help improve policing? If so, how? If not, why not?

Posted in Law