Week 4 SOAP Note Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a p
Week 4 SOAP Note Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.
***Please use the template that I have provided down below. Please write in APA 7 format. Please provide a total of 6 peer-reviewed references that are current and no later than 5 years (2018-2023). Provide a reference for all diagnosis. Provide a reference for the plan, diagnostics, and education. For the SOAP note assignment, the patient that I saw in the clinic was complaining of diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vaginal pain. The primary diagnosis is viral colitis. The differential diagnosis are listed on the template which are Gastroenteritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Whenever you put the diagnosis in, please provide the ICD 10 code and pathophysiology. EACH DIAGNOSIS MUST INCLUDE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. Please review the patient information in the additional material and add that info to the template. I will also provide you with examples from previous weeks SOAP assignments. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow the SOAP note template and follow the format in the previous SOAP note assignments that I will provide for you. The previous writer had issues with the assignment and had to revise it. In the Review of Systems and objective information, do not write “NORMAL” look at the previous SOAP notes to get an idea of what to write. If you have any questions please let me know.