You are a field ecologist that’s been enlisted by Ash Ketchum and several other

You are a field ecologist that’s been enlisted by Ash Ketchum and several other

You are a field ecologist that’s been enlisted by Ash Ketchum and several other Pokémon trainers to explore how Pokémon are related to each other. These Pokémon believe that they will be better Pokémon trainers if they can understand the evolutionary relationships among Pokémon. They are particularly interested in the relations amongst the following Pokémon. For this assignment it is your job to construct a phylogenetic tree and justify your tree in a 2-3 page paper. You must include all the Pokémon the trainers are interested in, but you may include more if you so desire. The following site is a great place to learn about these interesting creatures:
Format: Upload as a Word (PC) or Pages (MAC) compatible document by Sunday 11:59 p.m. CT.
Font: Arial, 11 or 12-Point, Double-Spaced, and 1-inch margins.
Style: All papers must include a cover page and reference page.
Citation Style: APA will be utilized for all papers.
Page Length: Should be 2-3 pages in length.