You collated a dataset from existing literature summarizing observed daytime col

You collated a dataset from existing literature summarizing observed daytime col

You collated a dataset from existing literature summarizing observed daytime collision rates (bpt y-1 = birds per turbine per year) at individual wind farms across Europe that varied in number and density of turbines. All observations were recorded by daytime visual observation during the summer.
Using the data in sheet 2, fit a simple GLM to test if collision rate differed between the species groups. Then plot and analyse the data to determine whether collision rate was influenced by wind farm size and/or turbine density. Your analysis should initially be done for the two species groups separately fitting a model of the form:
bpt = nt + dt,
where nt = number of turbines and dt = density of turbines (km-2).
You can then do an analysis with both species together using the model:
bpt = nt + dt + spp
where spp = species group.
However this does not allow you to test rigorously whether the effect of nt on bpt, or of dt on bpt, is the same for both species. To do this, you must fit another model with the appropriate interactions:
bpt = nt + dt + spp + (nt x spp) + (dt x spp)
Explain the behavioural and ecological reasons for the patterns observed, and what these results mean for the way windfarms should be designed generally.
Support your answers using clearly labelled figures (with 1-2 sentence legends) and using appropriate statistical analyses.
Please hand in your write-up to the office by stated deadline. Maximum 3 pages including figures, but you can put model outputs in Appendices which you can refer to in the text. Keep figures small and label all axes clearly with correct name and units