You will begin this assignment by identifying a social problem that impacts soci

You will begin this assignment by identifying a social problem that impacts soci

You will begin this assignment by identifying a social problem that impacts social workers and the clients that they serve. You are permitted to select a social problem that is of interest to you. Then, you will determine which groups are impacted by the social problem (populations), and briefly explain how they are impacted. Be sure to include a brief history of the problem. You must include how one’s (the population not you) culture, ethnicity/race, age, gender identity, identified sex, religion, race, socio-economic status, and rural/non-urban status, etc. affect this social problem. Include how the current political climate impacts this social problem and the identified population. Briefly explain why and how social workers should be concerned/involved in this problem. At the conclusion, you should identify (name only) a policy to focus on in your policy analysis paper. You only need to name the policy for this paper. You will use this paper in the next major assignment. The [policy you name or identify, must be a federal policy.
Format: Must be written in APA 7th edition format/style.
Length: Between 3-5 pages in length. This does not include a title/cover page, reference pages, or appendices.
Sources: Minimum of four (4) sources that are evidenced-based (think library, not opinion sites).
Grading: A rubric will be used to grade this assignment. Please utilize this rubric to ensure you are covering all required areas for this paper. Please note that failure to meet the page requirements, number of appropriate sources, or timely submissions may result in a loss of points. Up to 10 pt per page reduction for not meeting length and/or per missing appropriate source. If you submit after the deadline without prior instructor approval, a late penalty of 10% will be applied for each calendar day it is late.