You will compose a researched essay about the topic/issue you have chosen to pur

You will compose a researched essay about the topic/issue you have chosen to pur

You will compose a researched essay about the topic/issue you have chosen to pursue for Project 1. This research essay should help readers understand the complexity of the issue you’ve chosen, perhaps by highlighting things about your topic that are misunderstood (and misunderstood by whom) or should be understood in a new/different way. That said, this is not a compare/contrast essay, nor is it a chance for you to demonstrate your bias(es). This essay should tell your readers what is important to notice in the research you conducted. For the essay, you must include a minimum of six (6) sources. Three (3) of those sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed (that is, vetted by authorities in the field) sources of any type. The other three (3) are your choice of primary, popular, and/or additional scholarly sources. Documentation Style: Use the documentation style of your field (for in-text citations and list of sources). Formatting: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced (which is common across major citation styles). Evaluation Criteria for Investigative Field Essay: Grade Characteristics For an A: The essay meets or exceeds the assignment criteria. It asks and investigates the right kind of questions. The essay uses reliable sources intelligently, including unpacking quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing in fair and insightful ways. The voice of the author is present—evaluating, critiquing, affirming or contextualizing the sources to make meaning. The essay stays on task, operates logically, and moves the reader toward understanding. The essay builds ethos by making good use of the appropriate documentation style; sources are cited correctly and a well-constructed list of sources is present. The assignment is relatively free of usage and mechanical errors. All drafts are submitted and reasonably complete. There is evidence of revision. I put the topic and the paper in the files of what this investigative paper should be on.