1. Choose two terms discussed in the report “Lexicon of Lies” and contrast them.

1. Choose two terms discussed in the report “Lexicon of Lies” and contrast them.

1. Choose two terms discussed in the report “Lexicon of Lies” and contrast them. How are they different? How can someone identify examples of these on social media? Cite sources.
2. What is the illusory truth effect and how does it connect to social media? Cite sources.
3. How might local, state or national news organizations begin to repair trust issues with their audiences? Give some examples from the reading, including one you think might work for you personally. Cite sources.
4. What are some solutions for solving the civic crisis of misinformation and disinformation? Give two examples from the readings. Cite sources.
LINKS TO ANSWER QUESTIONS PLZ CITE: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/10/5/1…