Complete the module reading assignment Read: Northouse: Chapters 2 – 3. Then, se

Complete the module reading assignment Read: Northouse: Chapters 2 – 3. Then, se

Complete the module reading assignment Read: Northouse: Chapters 2 – 3. Then, select 2 concepts concerning the trait and skills approaches to leadership that are of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals. Submit a thread examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then, use the Merida: Exalting Jesus in 1 and 2 Kings and other sources to provide biblical application of the concepts.
Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructionsprior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.
Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

What have you learned about yourself from your career research presentation, tex

What have you learned about yourself from your career research presentation, tex

What have you learned about yourself from your career research presentation, textbook exercises, in-class discussions and assessment results?
How does your personality type relate to your career planning? How will characteristics of your personality type affect future decisions?
How do your top five CliftonStrengths themes relate to your career planning and goals and how can you leverage those strengths to reach your goals? Achiever: This strength mirrors my drive to achieve errands and accomplish objectives. I want to help my company to the best of my ability. Being able to get my task done on top of helping around in any area I see best fit. I always want to overachieve than under achieve.
Empathy: Sympathy permits me to comprehend and discuss the thoughts of others, which is a fundamental expertise in any group-based climate. Having sympathy towards others can help you in the long run. We are all human at the end of the day. This helps me build connections and become a better team player when needed. There is no I in team. I can work hard to reach out and do mental health check ins with my coworkers.
Learner: My adoration for learning is vital in the always advancing field of Technology. Having an open mind and be willing to be teachable. Ways I can keep on utilizing this strength by doing my own research, ask questions, join more educational opportunities that line up with my goal.
Developer: As somebody who appreciates helping other people develop, I can utilize this solidarity to help tutor junior partners or add to group improvement. I want to be teachable but also teach. It is a never-ending cycle. We are always evolving and learning from each other. This helps me and my company grow as a team and as individuals.
Futurist: The capacity to imagine future prospects is a useful asset when thinking outside the box. Laying out long haul objectives and planning in a profession way. Being able to adjust my dreams for the future to substantial moves toward accomplish them, guaranteeing that profession develops in a very graceful matter. Throwing out ideas that can be used further down the line and to continue to grow in the technology field. these are mine
What kinds of positive and negative messages have you received from yourself, family, friends, teachers, and other significant people in your life? How have these messages influenced your self-concept and subsequent career plans/goals?
How has your cultural identity affected you in developing your self-concept and career goals? **Remember, while culture consists of race/ethnicity and gender, try to consider all aspects of your culture, when answering this question. Think back to the Life Roles Activity and the Culture and Family Assessment you completed this semester.
Who has had a lot of influence in your life? How has their perception influenced your view of work? please say my grandma
What significant events in your life have shaped who you are?
What career obstacles do you foresee and how do you anticipate dealing with them?
In Week 5 you set a SMART Goal for this semester, reflect on your progress or even completion of that goal. If you completely failed, that’s fine, still reflect on the experience. our paper should be a minimum of 4 complete pages of text, typed, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point Calibri, Arial or similar font. Your name should appear along with page numbers in the header, no cover page.
**You do not need to cite either Traitify or CliftonStrengths in this paper. You must properly cite any references using the MLA or APA style guide. Please refer to the Towson University Cook Library website if you need

Part 1 Case study: 2 pages minimum No references are required. Research Patagoni

Part 1 Case study: 2 pages minimum No references are required.
Research Patagoni

Part 1 Case study: 2 pages minimum No references are required.
Research Patagonia, answer the following questions, and be sure to cite your sources:
1. How has Patagonia been able to promote corporate social responsibility among other businesses?
2. Do you think it is beneficial for Patagonia to branch out into ventures other than apparel?
3. Does Patagonia—a privately held, debt-free company—have an advantage over public companies with shareholders by being socially responsible?
Part 2 Journal Article:
Pick one of the following terms for your research:
ethical awareness
moral intensity
locus of control
corporate culture
veil of ignorance
select one of the key terms presented and conduct a search of Campbellsville University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) that closely relates to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Please provide the key takeaways from the article.
DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.
Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required (i.e., Definition, Article Summary, Discussion, Referemces).
Part 3 Discussion: Respond to the following: 100 word minimum No references are required.
Principles and values are both fundamental components of ethical decision making, but they differ in their nature and application (Suri et al., 2019). Understanding their similarities and differences is crucial for comprehending how they guide behavior and decision-making processes.
Guidance for Behavior: Both principles and values serve as guidelines for behavior. They help individuals determine what is right and wrong, shaping their actions and decisions.
Foundation for Ethics: Principles and values form the foundation of ethical frameworks. They underpin the rules and standards by which people and organizations operate.
Influence on Decisions: Both play a critical role in influencing decisions (Shahsavarani & Abadi, 2015). Ethical decisions are often evaluated based on adherence to certain principles and alignment with personal or societal values.
Nature and Definition:
Principles: Principles are fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. They are universal and objective, often codified in laws or ethical codes. Examples include justice, autonomy, and non-maleficence.
Values: Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are subjective and personal, varying greatly among individuals and cultures. Examples include honesty, loyalty, and compassion (Shahsavarani & Abadi, 2015).
Scope and Flexibility:
Principles: Principles are broad and overarching, providing a general framework for ethical behavior. They are relatively stable and less likely to change over time.
Values: Values are more specific and can be more flexible. They can evolve with experiences and changes in personal or societal contexts.
Principles: Principles often dictate specific actions or prohibitions (e.g., “do not harm”). They are used to resolve ethical dilemmas by providing clear rules.
Values: Values guide choices and priorities, influencing how principles are interpreted and applied. They shape the motivations behind actions (e.g., valuing honesty may influence one to always speak the truth).
Importance in Ethical Decision Making:
Principles and values are critical in ethical decision making because they provide a framework for evaluating actions and making judgments. Principles offer a consistent standard against which actions can be measured, ensuring that decisions align with established ethical norms and laws. This consistency helps maintain integrity and accountability in both personal and professional contexts (Suri et al., 2019). Values bring a personal dimension to ethical decision making. They reflect what individuals or organizations consider important, shaping their goals and aspirations. Values motivate ethical behavior by aligning actions with what is personally meaningful and culturally significant.

Student behavioral and academic outcomes are improved by teachers having a clear

Student behavioral and academic outcomes are improved by teachers having a clear

Student behavioral and academic outcomes are improved by teachers having a clear understanding of what they are teaching and how they are going to teach it. Creating clear goals and objectives for a lesson with aligned, engaging activities and opportunities for well-defined social interaction can reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviors and improve student performance.
Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation to be shown to general classroom teachers, of a grade level of your choosing, in a professional development setting, focusing on inclusion and strategies for classroom management.
The presentation should address the following:
Identifying realistic expectations for the personal and social behavior of students with disabilities in various settings.
Designing learning environments that encourage active participation in individual and group activities for individuals with and without disabilities.
Promoting social skills that students with disabilities need for educational and other settings.
Preparing students with disabilities to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world.
Using collaborative learning groups and project-based activities to help students practice self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
One recommended classroom management strategy for each of the identified behaviors to motivate students: incomplete work, lack of participation, talking out of turn or disrespectful language, and refusal to work with others.
Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, and plagarisum free.

APA Writing Exercise Assignment The Liberty University School of Business wants

APA Writing Exercise Assignment
The Liberty University School of Business wants

APA Writing Exercise Assignment
The Liberty University School of Business wants to ensure that students entering and progressing through the DSL program have a proper understanding of the process and expectations of APA writing, formatting, and style. The School of Business adheres to APA formatting in all its courses. The purpose of this assignment is to assess and enhance your understanding of APA formatting.
Strategic leadership is not a term that everyone understands. In this exercise, you are required to discover, document, and compare and contrast three (3) definitions of strategic leadership from three (3) unique scholarly sources. Using the online Jerry Falwell Library (JFL), draw one definition each from a source found in the following databases: Business Source Complete, ERIC, and a database of your choosing (not connected to the other two). Limit your search to the last five (5) years and select only from sources that are full-text – PDF.
Write a 900 word double-spaced paper in APA format that evaluates the definitions found in these articles. Where are they similar? Where do they differ? Would you select one as more correct than the others or would you draw pieces from two or more of them to write your own definition? How would you explain your chosen definition to others? How would you apply this definition in a work setting?
As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article. A traditional APA reference page and the annotated bibliography will be turned in with the associated paper.

Purpose This assignment will enable you to discover a short story’s or creative

This assignment will enable you to discover a short story’s or creative

This assignment will enable you to discover a short story’s or creative non-fiction essay’s use of elements, such as imagery, diction, characterization, irony, metaphor, and symbolism, to convey a theme within the text. Applying a close reading and composing a literary analysis will prepare you for the many texts that you will read, summarize, and discuss in your future studies and even the workplace.
In this assignment, you will analyze a short story or creative non-fiction essay through a close reading. You’ll explore how the author uses literary devices to convey a theme and to develop the story or essay. You will practice:
Close reading and critical thinking skills
Identification of literary devices
Identification of a theme
Analysis of literary devices and connection to a theme
Composition of a literary analysis
Use of specific quotes and examples from the text to support claims and insights
*Learning Objectives: LO4, LO5, LO9, LO10, LO13
After your practice developing an outline in Unit 2, this assignment allows you to continue working with your pre-writing skills; specifically, you will organize and outline your composition of a full literary analysis essay. For this essay, you will discuss how the author’s use of a specific literary device (or devices) functions to convey a theme within that text. Keep in mind: Your thesis statement defines for the reader the content of the essay, so be sure your thesis is a strong, concise argument. The content of your essay will provide evidence to support that thesis through strong, well-developed body paragraphs.
Part 1
Select one of the short stories from this unit, or reflect back to a work of creative nonfiction from Unit 1, and conduct a close reading, being mindful of literary devices present within the text. Through annotation, or note taking, be sure to note important textual evidence and examples that might be useful to your essay composition.
NOTE: Do not use any of the texts used in sample assignments or instructional videos in this course.
Part 2
Upon identifying the device or devices you will write about, consider which theme from Unit 1 (Dystopia, Alienation/Otherness, Redemption, and Quest for Identity/Coming of Age) these devices best illuminate. In your consideration of the theme, be sure to examine HOW the devices support your selected theme and WHY that is significant to the text as a whole. The answer to this question will be the material used for your thesis. Don’t forget to use our free tutoring service for help throughout the writing process!
Part 3
Using your answers from Part 2, compose your thesis statement for the essay; be certain that your thesis is specific and concise. Be sure your thesis:
Identifies the theme conveyed and
Offers how/why that is important.
Keep in mind your thesis is the “road map” or “preview” to your essay; it informs the reader of what to expect.
Part 4
Using your annotations and working thesis, begin drafting your essay. Although it is not required, composing an outline prior to drafting full paragraphs can be both highly beneficial and effective in terms of your final product. Be mindful during drafting to ensure that all body paragraphs are well-developed and have a direct connection back to your thesis. (Review the MEAL Plan tutorial for help!)
Part 5
Once you have completed your essay and conducted a thorough proofreading, submit your final draft to the appropriate assignment folder: Unit 3 Essay: Short Story or Essay Analysis.
File submissions: Please submit your file as a .DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF.
Grading Criteria
Your ability to communicate a thesis: The clear articulation of your argument and the specificity and development of your thesis;
On the development and support of the main ideas in your paragraphs: Your supporting claims, logic, and organization;
The quality of your writing, to include paragraph development and organization: Topic sentences, conclusions, transitions, etc.;
Your engagement with the text and how you explain the significance of your examples; your choice and synthesis of supporting quotations;
Format: You are required to use the current MLA style for all writing assignments. This includes proper MLA citation and a correctly-formatted Works Cited page (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spacing, last name and page number in the header on each page, etc.). Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for the MLA Style guide. Also, view the sample essay in this module to see an example of a correctly formatted document;
Academic Honesty: NO secondary sources are needed or encouraged; however, if any external sources are used, they MUST be appropriately cited using MLA 9th edition format. As always, plagiarism is not tolerated. Please ask if you have questions about citation or academic honesty. Use of an AI generator to complete any portion of this assignment is prohibited.
Length Requirement: 750-1,000 words

Research Topic; Effects of Alcohol and drug abuse. 1. The research essay must be

Research Topic; Effects of Alcohol and drug abuse.
1. The research essay must be

Research Topic; Effects of Alcohol and drug abuse.
1. The research essay must be a minimum of five full pages in length. A full page of text reaches the bottom of the page. The paper should conform to MLA style, which you may look up in A Writer’s Reference and at Purdue OWL. The paper should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12. There should be a header on each page composed of your last name and the current page number of the essay. The MLA heading should appear on the first page of the essay. You must have both in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Your sources must be available at the EPCC library either as physical materials or through its databases.
2. On another page You will produce an annotated bibliography for the second graded element of your research project. This is an exercise that will aid you in recording and evaluating your sources. It is a key tool in a researcher’s kit, allowing for accuracy and efficiency in the use of source material and a record of their evaluation of sources. It should also lead you to think about how your sources are useful to you in shaping an accurate presentation of information.

Create a Annotated Bibliography using what is listed below. References. Cross,

Create a Annotated Bibliography using what is listed below.

Create a Annotated Bibliography using what is listed below.
Cross, C., & Layt, R. (2022). “I suspect that the pictures are stolen”: romance fraud, identity crime, and responding to suspicions of inauthentic identities. Social Science Computer Review, 40(4), 955-973.
Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Qadri, M. A., & Suman, R. (2022). Understanding the role of digital technologies in education: A review. Sustainable Operations and Computers, 3, 275-285.
Jain, A. K., Sahoo, S. R., & Kaubiyal, J. (2021). Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7(5), 2157-2177.

This week your final draft project is due. That does not mean less than final! I

This week your final draft project is due. That does not mean less than final! I

This week your final draft project is due. That does not mean less than final! It only means that I will provide feedback to be incorporated into the final version that will be filed in the library and that you can take away as part of a portfolio or present to your supervisor/project manager. The project should include the cover page, contents, and other formatting as per the manual. It should also include an abstract, introduction, literature review, findings/journal, and the end result of the project itself. This work, and the final project, is to be a Word document approximately 50 pages in length. The course instructor will determine the amount of material that will constitute a completed assignment.
The following checklist may prove helpful!
Must address at least one of our current program objectives
Title Page exactly as in End of Program Capstone Manual but noting a Project instead of thesis
University publication license/copyright page
Dedication (optional)
Acknowledgement (optional)
Abstract with correct title heading
Table of ContentsDot leaders
Left justified
Double spaced between entries
Make sure to list Appendices after References
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Acronyms/Abbreviations if applicable
APA format if not otherwise indicated by the agency for which the project is being done
The rest of the capstone project is flexible as far as formatIf there is not a required format by your agency then it should be a narrative with an intro, lit review, analysis, explanation then their project in the appendix (remember it still has to be the equivalent of the 50-page thesis but you don’t have to go straight by page limit, particularly if much of your work is gathering data, etc. and the reporting does not take that many pages)
If you have a format that the agency for which they are doing the project requires use that. For instance, if it is an Army white paper for leadership, it will be in the format required by that style manual which is not APA and different than ours. That is fine. If it is a grant submission that will be the bulk of the design but you will still need to cover the background aspects in a lit review, etc.
The lit review may be more grounded in comparative analysis of “best practices” of other agencies, etc. An initial lead-in of scholarly sources is recommended but this is grounded in practice not theory.
The idea is to make this project as practically applicable as possible.
The final project should also include either an executive summary or PPT which you will use to present the informationIt is strongly encouraged that this happen prior to the end of class and the feedback be incorporated as an appendix
AppendicesIRB approval in appendix if utilized
Any information that was used that is the result of human behavioral research will need to be taken out of the submission if IRB approval not received
The journal in this class is a separate assignment and NOT included in the final paper (despite what the Capstone Manual says)
Take a look at this excellent editing guidance from Publishing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks.

ou take an English grammar. You see how the passive voice, for example, is prese

ou take an English grammar. You see how the passive voice, for example, is prese

ou take an English grammar. You see how the passive voice, for example, is presented. But based on the linguistic theory you have analyzed before and it should fit the phenomenon itself.
And you say it has a linguistic background behind it is connected to something; and then you refine it based on the linguistic theory.
MLA with at least 4 in text citations