These are requirements for the abstract and annotate bibliography, please follow

These are requirements for the abstract and annotate bibliography, please follow the requirements. The 6 PDF are what should be do for the annotate bibliography, I also have “AI” abstract, please have a look, and probably just get idea don’t use it, and add ethical aspects, like ethics of involving technology in human treatment….

This will be a self-evaluation essay. It must be written like a regular essay,.

This will be a self-evaluation essay. It must be written like a regular essay,. With an introduction, 3 reasons mentioned in the introduction, and 3 body paragraphs with a conclusion. Can’t be more than 2 pages. You will need to reference two other essays that were done in the class just to prove your point. I will share with you those essays

Overview In many cases, after a target behavior has been identified, the first s

In many cases, after a target behavior has been identified, the first step in completing an FBA for a client is to conduct an indirect assessment. In indirect assessments, the analyst gathers information from people who are familiar with the person exhibiting the behavior. A parent, teacher, the individual, or all three might be asked for information. Examples of indirect assessments include interviews, checklists, and rating scales. For this assignment, you will complete an indirect assessment as part of your FBA for Monica.
To prepare for this assignment, complete the following:
Review the Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST) found in the Week 2: Indirect AssessmentsLinks to an external site. reading list. You will need to complete one for this assignment.
Read the information on the “Monica’s Case” tab in the Functional Behavior Assessment: Introduction and Monica’s Case media piece.
Review the Capella Compassion Code.
For this assignment complete the following:
Complete the Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST) using the information from Monica’s case. You can use the Microsoft Word version of the FAST Tool [DOCX] if you prefer.
Once you have completed the FAST, write a summary of the indirect assessment in the text box on the Monica’s Case tab of the Functional Behavior Assessment: Introduction and Monica’s Case media piece. Include the following information in your summary.
Describe client behaviors to be addressed, based on the results of a functional assessment interview.Your description should be clear and brief, yet comprehensive.
Summarize information gathered from family members during a functional assessment interview.Be sure to explain how you incorporated a compassionate approach during the interview. Refer to the Capella Compassion Code for more information.
Describe the environmental conditions surrounding the occurrence of a target behavior.Your description should be clear and brief.
To complete this assignment, copy and paste your indirect assessment summary from the media piece into the FBA Template [DOCX] and submit both the FAST and your template to the assignment area.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Employ academic communication skills that are scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, in a manner consistent with members of the psychology profession.
Length: The summary should be 1–2 pages.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Interpret findings of applied behavior analysis research.Describe client behaviors to be addressed, based on the results of a functional assessment interview.
Summarize information gathered from family members during a functional assessment interview.
Describe the environmental conditions surrounding the occurrence of a target behavior.
Competency 2: Apply functional analysis techniques.Complete the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST).
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.

When drawing a supply and demand diagram, what is always measured on the vertica

When drawing a supply and demand diagram, what is always measured on the vertical (Y)
Space to move this question.
2. When drawing a supply and demand diagram, what is always measured on the horizontal (X)
3. The slope of the demand curve will always be:
4. The slope of the supply curve will always be:
5. Which way will the demand curve shift if there is an increase in demand for some reason
other than the price,
6. Which way will the supply curve shift if there is a decrease in supply for some reason other
than the price,
7. If the price is currently above the equilibrium price there will be a
a. Draw a diagram showing the quantity demanded, quantity supplied and the amount
of the surplus or shortage
8. If the price is currently below the equilibrium price there will be a
a. Draw a diagram showing the quantity demanded, quantity supplied and the amount
of the surplus or shortage
9. The point where the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded is called
10. An event that affects the production of a good will cause the _______curve to shift.
11. Briefly explain (one sentence) what an inferior good is (in your own words) and provide an
obvious example.
12. Briefly explain (one sentence) what a normal good is (in your own words) and provide an
obvious example.
13. Briefly explain (one sentence) what substitute goods are (in your own words) and provide an
obvious example of two goods that are substitutes of each other.
14. Briefly explain (one sentence) what complementary goods are (in your own words) and
provide an obvious example of two goods that are complements of each other.
15. If there is an increase in demand, the quantity will ______ and the price will _____.
16. If there is a decrease in demand, the quantity will ______ and the price will _____.
17. If there is an increase in supply, the quantity will ______ and the price will _____.
18. If there is a decrease in supply, the quantity will ______ and the price will _____.
For the following questions be sure to label:
price axis
quantity axis
demand curve
supply curve

Chapter 8 looks at the cultural and societal contexts that affect education in t

Chapter 8 looks at the cultural and societal contexts that affect education in the United States. There is a great deal of the chapter devoted to both ethnic, racial, and gender gaps in student achievement and attainment. For this assignment I want you to consider the ideas from the videos and if these might be ways to close the gaps in education:

Complete a Double Entry Journal (need some directions? See How To A Resource For Canvas And Assignments – there is an explanation on how to create a double entry journal).
Pick 3 quotes from the first video and 1 quote from the second video (you will have 4 quotes in all). The quotes you pick should be comprehensive and should be AT least 2 sentences long. Quotes should be unique to the each video.
Double Entry Journal FORMAT for this assignment: Make a chart with TWO columns. The left column should have the full name of the video, the quote, and the timestamp of the quote. The right column should have your response.
RESPONSES should be in depth and comprehensively explain why the quote you picked stood out to you.
Name of the video, the quote, and timestampResponse to quote.

First discussion Sherry Turkle’s work discusses how computers, the internet and

First discussion
Sherry Turkle’s work discusses how computers, the internet and social media have influenced how we think and interact. Detail three of the socio-cultural or interpersonal consequences she outlines in her work. Do these consequences ring true with you or are these the critiques of “dinosaurs” (i.e. old people
One reply to
In her works, Sherry Turkle outlines several socio-cultural and interpersonal consequences of how computers and digital technologies influence us specifically:
1. Shallow Thinking and Reduced Reflection
In How Computers Change the Way We Think, Turkle argues that reliance on technology reduces deep, reflective thinking. The immediacy of certain information can lead to shortcuts in problem solving, especially in young students who may prioritize finding answers over developing critical thinking skills. This shift serves to undermine the ability to pause, reflect, and engage thoughtfully with complex issues.
2. Decreased Quality of Conversation
Furthermore, in the flight from conversation and stop googling, let’s talk, Turkle contends that constant connectivity leads to superficial conversations. For example, in modern day youth and some adults people will often choose the convenience of texts over in-person dialogue, making conversations shorter and less meaningful. With this in mind she suggests erodes empathy and the ability to engage in open-ended, face-to-face exchanges that foster real connection.
3. Fragmentation of the Self
Finally In Constructions and Reconstructions of Self in Virtual Reality, Turkle discusses how virtual spaces, like MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons), allow users to experiment with different aspects of identity. While this can be empowering, it can also fragment the self, as people may create multiple personas online that can be difficult to reconcile with their offline identity as they get more comfortable being online.
These critiques resonate in a world where digital interaction often replaces deep, personal engagement, though some might view them as reflecting older concerns about the changing nature of communication.
weekly reflection sociology of emotions, emotions and masculinity (young 2017 Masculinity balance) reflect on this read
How are you doing in this course? How did the lecture and the discussion help you process the information?

Write a brief 4-page report about a health care economic issue that you have ide

Write a brief 4-page report about a health care economic issue that you have identified. Address the reasons why you selected the issue you did; identify how this issue impacts the work of you, your colleagues, and your organization; and describe the gap that you see contributing to this issue.
Describe a health care economic issue and how it impacts a specific community or population.Note the data, information, or observations used to support your description.
Explain the rationale for choosing your health care economic issue.
Explain how the health care economic issue has affected your work, your organization, your colleagues, and your community.
Identify the gap that is contributing to the need to address the economic issue.Cite at least three piece of evidence to support your identification of the gap. This could be public health data, a peer-reviewed journal article, or another scholarly source

Write a letter to an official in your state or local government. (Choose the ind

Write a letter to an official in your state or local government. (Choose the individual in the level of government that will best address your issue). The purpose of this letter is to advocate for action with regards to your chosen health care environment issue.
Summarize the health care economic issue that you are addressing.Keep this brief but try to include details about how the issue is currently impacting the elected officials’ constituents.
Explain the positive outcomes that will occur if the issue is addressed and the negative outcomes that will occur if the issue is not addressed.Tailor this messaging to focus on the impacts in the communities and organizations that are relevant to the elected official you are writing to.
Summarize key information from scholarly sources to support the importance of addressing the issue; the issue’s overall impact on health care at the institutional, local, state, or national level; and proposed changes or actions to address the issue.Cite at least five current, scholarly sources that support your argument and help provide the elected official (who may not have a detailed knowledge of the health care environment) with an understanding of the issues, changes, or actions that you are proposing to drive improved outcomes.
Identify the impact your issue has on health care institutions and health care providers at the local community, state, or national level.
Make sure to include information from both a health care and an economic perspective. An elected official may be more responsive to one perspective than another.
Incorporate social justice, structural racism, and inequity principles when picking resources and making recommendations for change in your assessment.
Explain how personal, professional, and organizational experiences have informed the resource planning and risk analysis for working toward addressing the economic issue.Think about how your experiences (the experiences can be personal, professional, or from your team’s perspective or experience) affect how you have planned for the resources needed to implement your desired changes or actions. How did this impact your approach to conducting a risk analysis on the project?
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.Remember to conclude your letter with a summary of your position on the issue and a compelling reason that the elected official should act in your favor and support your issue or initiative.

In this exercise you will learn how to create a non-destructive smart filter tha

In this exercise you will learn how to create a non-destructive smart filter that can be selectively applied using a smart filter mask. You will learn about the benefits of non-destructive editing and how to put those methods into practice in day-to-day Photoshop projects. Follow along with the supplemental video tutorial from TutVids or utilize the written instructions below to complete the exercise.

Download the sample image provided.
Open the image in Adobe Photoshop.
Right click on the image layer and convert the image to a Smart Object.
Applying any filter to a Smart Object automatically makes it a “Smart Filter.” Create a pixelated smart filter by going to “Filter” > “Pixelate” > “Mosaic” in the Photoshop menu bar and setting the cell size to 45, then click Ok.
With smart filters, you can edit or delete the filter effect after you’ve created it. You can also mask them to a specific area. Edit the filter by double-clicking the name of the filter just below the Smart Filter mask in the layers panel and increase the pixel cell size to 75 square. Then click Ok.
Now you are going to add a mask to a portion of the smart filter. Using the Rectangular Marquee tool drag a selection over the statue and click on the smart filter mask in the layers panel.
In the Photoshop menu navigate to “Select” > “Inverse” to invert your selection and hit “Cmd/Ctrl + I” to invert the white in your layer mask to black and hide the effect around the statue.
Use the key command “Cmd/Ctrl + D” to deselect.
Double click adjustment sliders icon in the layers panel and use it to create a “Vivid Light” adjustment so you can highlight the filter area.
Save the image as a PSD file with the layers intact using the naming convention “marquette_smartfilter.psd” and upload it to the assignment page to complete the exercise file.