1. Debate the question of the competitive merits of a technical-professional ver

1. Debate the question of the competitive merits of a technical-professional ver

1. Debate the question of the competitive merits of a technical-professional versus a liberal arts preservice education for new criminal justice employees.
2. Discuss the relative merits and disadvantages of the three means of providing in-service training: OJT, in-house, and contracted training.
3. Explain Chris Argyris’s immaturity-maturity theory in terms of criminal justice employee socialization.
4. ( 2 points) Explain each of the four steps to take in providing employee development programs in 2-3 sentences each, highlighting any key points.
5. What key reasons cause public employees to stagnate (slow or no advancement) within organizations?
6. 4. Describe the implications and conclusion of Farnese, et al., with regard to hypothesis six (H6).
please answer all questions. No reference page needed