1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze, A symphony of birds and buzzing bees

1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze,
A symphony of birds and buzzing bees

1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze,
A symphony of birds and buzzing bees.
But the modern world, with its endless need,
Ravages the land with reckless speed.
2. Mountains rise with majestic grace,
But their beauty now marred, a tragic case.
For in their heart, we dig and defile,
Fueling our greed, all the while.
3. Oceans deep, a world mysterious and vast,
Yet we despoil their depths with our toxic cast.
Creatures of wonder, now suffocating and distressed,
As our pollution inflicts upon them a cruel test.
4. The air once pure, now heavy with our waste,
Choking the earth, a bitter and toxic taste.
The sky’s once vibrant hue, now dulled and gray,
A consequence of our actions, we must now dully pay.
5. But in this darkened plight, there’s hope to be found,
For with each small change, a new path can be bound.
So let’s stand as guardians, with courage and might,
Protecting this world, ensuring it’s forever bright.