1. When designing and delivering training to adults, what are six key principles

1. When designing and delivering training to adults, what are six key principles

1. When designing and delivering training to adults, what are six key principles to keep in mind? Your response must be at least 100 words in length.
2. What is active learning? How could active learning principles be applied in a safety training course on machine guarding? 75 words
3. What is peer learning? Describe how peer learning could be used in classroom training and in computer or internet-based training. 75 words
4. How can the management of an organization contribute to a safety and health training program? What types of things can safety managers do to help guide management’s role in safety and health training? 150 words
5. How can the management of an organization contribute to a safety and health training program? What types of things can safety managers do to help guide management’s role in safety and health training? 150 words
6. Imagine you are faced with developing a safety training class for a multi-lingual, multi-generational, and multi-ethnic workforce. Would you try to incorporate everyone’s needs into a single class, or would you try to develop separate classes to meet the needs of each demographic? Explain how you would provide effective training.
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Hazard Prevention Through Effective Safety and Health Training