Your presentation should summarize your conversation with the interviewee, but i

Your presentation should summarize your conversation with the interviewee, but i

Your presentation should summarize your conversation with the interviewee, but it should also include your own insight, analysis, and takeaways from the conversation. In other words, it shouldn’t just be a list of dialogue or of topics discussed; your own perspective and voice should come through
during the presentation.
I provided the questions and answers I asked during the interview.

In this assignment, you will develop a plan for an effective training program th

In this assignment, you will develop a plan for an effective training program th

In this assignment, you will develop a plan for an effective training program that is tailored for the specific needs of newly hired, adult employees. You are encouraged to consider your own current or former workplace as a basis for this training plan. Your project must be at least four pages but no more than five pages in length, not counting the title page (if used) or references page. Your project must have in text citations and references formatted in APA Style.

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie th

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie th

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie that you have recently read or watched and did an initial analysis of the representations of diversity in it. On the Week 4 Assignment, you identified two scholarly sources to help you extend your analysis of the work you chose. In this assignment, you will build on those two assignments to complete your analysis of diverse representations in your chosen work.
For this assignment, you will take as your starting point the conclusion you came to on your Week 2 assignment: does this work provide a positive representation of diversity? You can maintain the position you took at the end of your Week 2 assignment or contradict it. You will then provide evidence from the work and from at least 5 scholarly or credible resources, including the two scholarly sources you identified on your Week 4 assignment (the remainder can be course materials) to support your thesis. Please be sure to do the following:
Provide an introduction that includes the author and title of the fiction book, name of episode and name of TV show, or the title of the movie that you chose, as well as a thesis that tells the reader whether you think this work provides a positive representation of diversity.
Discuss whether you think the cast of characters in this book, episode, or movie is diverse. To back up your discussion, identify 3 characters from the work and do the following for each:
Provide a brief (1-paragraph) descriiption of the character, including what they do for a living, relationship status, role in the work (main character, minor character, comic relief, etc.), and anything else you think is important in understanding the character.
Is the portrayal of the character stereotypical? Why or why not? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Does the character have privilege and in what circumstances? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Is this a positive representation of the group(s) that the character represents? Why or why not? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Taking a step back, consider who isn’t represented in this work. Do you think this/these groups were left out intentionally? In other words, would it affect the story to include them?
If you were the author of this work (i.e., book author, movie creator, TV show writer), how could you improve diversity in this book/TV show/movie? Provide two concrete examples. What implications would these changes have for consumers of this media?
Finally, consider why representation of diverse groups is important. Draw on your resources to construct an argument for greater inclusion in the media and in two other areas of life (e.g., the workplace, education, healthcare, government).
In your conclusion, reiterate your thesis statement and summarize the main points of your paper.

Unit 3 – IP Assignment Details Determine how transition impacts Agile and wate

Unit 3 – IP
Assignment Details
Determine how transition impacts Agile and wate

Unit 3 – IP
Assignment Details
Determine how transition impacts Agile and waterfall by creating a PowerPoint presentation. Submit your presentation and add speaker notes.

Your presentation should address the following:
Interpret how a company transitions from using waterfall to Agile.
Why would a business make this change?
Based on your research, determine some challenges associated with transitioning from waterfall to Agile. What can be done to overcome those challenges and how?
Assess the hybrid project management method. Explain why a company would choose to use the hybrid method.

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie th

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie th

On the Week 2 Assignment, you identified a fiction book, TV episode, or movie that you have recently read or watched and did an initial analysis of the representations of diversity in it. On the Week 4 Assignment, you identified two scholarly sources to help you extend your analysis of the work you chose. In this assignment, you will build on those two assignments to complete your analysis of diverse representations in your chosen work.
For this assignment, you will take as your starting point the conclusion you came to on your Week 2 assignment: does this work provide a positive representation of diversity? You can maintain the position you took at the end of your Week 2 assignment or contradict it. You will then provide evidence from the work and from at least 5 scholarly or credible resources, including the two scholarly sources you identified on your Week 4 assignment (the remainder can be course materials) to support your thesis. Please be sure to do the following:
Provide an introduction that includes the author and title of the fiction book, name of episode and name of TV show, or the title of the movie that you chose, as well as a thesis that tells the reader whether you think this work provides a positive representation of diversity.
Discuss whether you think the cast of characters in this book, episode, or movie is diverse. To back up your discussion, identify 3 characters from the work and do the following for each:
Provide a brief (1-paragraph) descriiption of the character, including what they do for a living, relationship status, role in the work (main character, minor character, comic relief, etc.), and anything else you think is important in understanding the character.
Is the portrayal of the character stereotypical? Why or why not? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Does the character have privilege and in what circumstances? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Is this a positive representation of the group(s) that the character represents? Why or why not? Provide specific examples from their dialogue or actions.
Taking a step back, consider who isn’t represented in this work. Do you think this/these groups were left out intentionally? In other words, would it affect the story to include them?
If you were the author of this work (i.e., book author, movie creator, TV show writer), how could you improve diversity in this book/TV show/movie? Provide two concrete examples. What implications would these changes have for consumers of this media?
Finally, consider why representation of diverse groups is important. Draw on your resources to construct an argument for greater inclusion in the media and in two other areas of life (e.g., the workplace, education, healthcare, government).
In your conclusion, reiterate your thesis statement and summarize the main points of your paper.

please reference this video before starting the assignment:

please reference this video before starting the assignment:

please reference this video before starting the assignment:
This assignment requires you to write a proposal that states your research question and your research strategy for addressing it. You may refer to the 2020 End of Program Manual for more information.
Thesis Proposal:
The thesis proposal shall be 5 pages in length not including title page or references.
Your title page should include the working title of your thesis, your name, and your working abstract.
The abstract includes the following components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the abstract is limited to 150-200 words.
Your thesis proposal should have the following sections:
Introduction: The introduction is where you identify your specific research question and where you set the general context for the study. In this section you need to include:
a statement of the problem or general research question and context leading to a clear statement of the specific research question;
background and contextual material justifying why this case or topic should be studied; and
a purpose statement.
Literature Review: This short preliminary literature review section reviews the literature important to your specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In this section you should:
Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question. For example if you discuss other studies that have been conducted you would summarize the researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and conduct an evaluation of biases in the findings.
This section should provide a broad overview of the primary arguments related to the topic and organizes the general views on the main aspects of the topic by theme, which could be the prevailing arguments or schools of thought, or commonly held beliefs that your particular topic may challenge.
Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.
Theoretical Framework/Approach: The theoretical framework section develops the theories or models to be used in the study and shows how you have developed testable research hypotheses. This section should include:
an introduction discussing gaps in the literature, how this study will help fill some of those gaps, and justification for the theory or model to be used in study;
a summary of the theory or model to be used in the study, including a diagram of the model if appropriate; and
a statement of hypotheses to be tested.
For some additional information on how select a theoretical framework check out this video; for help organizing your theoretical framework into your paper, check out this USC Library guide on Theoretical Frameworks.
Research Design & Methods: Describes how you will test the hypothesis and carry out your analysis. This section describes the data to be used to test the hypothesis, how you will operationalize and collect data on your variables, and the analytic methods that to be used, noting potential biases and limitations to the research approach. It should include:
identification and operationalization (measurement) of variables;
a sampling plan (i.e., study population and sampling procedures, if appropriate);
justification of case studies used;
data collection/sources (secondary literature, archives, interviews, surveys, etc.);
a summary of analysis procedures (pattern-matching, etc.); and
the limitations of study and bias discussion.
Conclusion: Should re-emphasize the importance of the study and bring the proposal full circle.
Reference List: References the works that you have cited (direct quotes or paraphrases) in the text. This list must be in the Turabian “Reference List” style rather than in the “Bibliography” style. Remember that the references you use demonstrate your knowledge of the topic area. This research proposal is meant to convince your professor that you not only have identified a worthy question in need of investigation, but that you are also capable of carrying out the research involved to successfully answer that question. At the very least you should have referenced 6-10 sources in this proposal.
Standard academic format will suffice: 1-inch borders on all four sides, double spaced, with times new roman 12-point font.

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will Team Assessment Please see the questions shown in t

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
Team Assessment
Please see the questions shown in t

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
Team Assessment
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)