1. Write an Essay connecting three haikus to your top three takeaways from the c

Write an Essay connecting three haikus to your top three takeaways from the c

Write an Essay connecting three haikus to your top three takeaways from the course. To complete the exercise, you are required to use your Haikus from Lecture 2 (love), Lecture 7(freedom) and Lecture 15(course takeaways) You may write about each haiku in three short (1pg/haiku) separate essays or cover over one (4pg) essay. Please reference at least 4-6 of the readings from the course.
Create an original story that follows up on the ending of one of the following readings: 1) Derrick Bell’s ‘Space Traders’ Chapter, 2) Radical Reparations Chapter 4, Parable of the People’s Republic of South Africa, 3) Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower (selection on the course website).