Have you or has anyone you know been ever held a low-wage Job (precarious work)?

Have you or has anyone you know been ever held a low-wage Job (precarious work)?

Have you or has anyone you know been ever held a low-wage Job (precarious work)? If so, would you describe and explain what type of work and benefits, pay and disadvantages. How hard that you worked and paid? How much of a chance do most people with jobs, for example at Wendy’s or Wal-Mart, have to enroll to college and to work toward a different career? How can people find a strategy for avoiding low-wage (precarious) jobs? In the film, as Barbara Ehrenreich claims that most-well-off people in the US are dependent on low-wage workers. What does she mean by this?
For further Knowledge about precarious work please watch the videos and podcast (links in this module as well) and read scanned pages (you could also find under ” extra readings”)
NOTE: These extra short readings and videos are also highly recommended/helpful for discussion and assignments on following tabs in this Module.

Question #1: Describe the community that your field placement serves. Briefly de

Question #1: Describe the community that your field placement serves. Briefly de

Question #1: Describe the community that your field placement serves. Briefly describe its physical, social and political dimensions. Key physical features, dominant social characteristics, etc). Question #2: Identify the eight types of community practice models. Which of the eight types is more culturally sensitive? Explain your rationale. (Use a works cited to this question) 8 community practice models down below. 1. Neighborhood and Community Organizing 2. Organizing Functional Communities 3. Social, Economic, and Sustainable Development 4. Inclusive Program Development 5. Social Planning 6. Coalitions 7. Political and Social Action 8. Movements for Progressive Change

Discussion: Form and Function of Family Some configuration of what we know as “f

Discussion: Form and Function of Family
Some configuration of what we know as “f

Discussion: Form and Function of Family
Some configuration of what we know as “family” forms the cornerstone of functional units in almost every known society. However, like many concepts, family is complex and difficult to precisely define.
View the following video on how sociology defines family and the different forms family takes in different societies.
Theories About Family & Marriage: Crash Course Sociology #37 (YouTube – 10:59)
and this video on the stages and changing patterns in family life:
Stages of Family Life: Crash Course Sociology #38 (YouTube – 10:52)
In this discussion:
Consider the critical functions that families fulfill. What ones do you think are the most important? Why? Are these universal (i.e., the same across cultures)? Why or why not?
How has the concept of family evolved over time? Why is this important to society? Do you think the family is “in decline” in society, as some argue? Explain your view.
Your initial response should be at least 300 words, use excellent written mechanics, and include current APA formatting as needed.

There are two overarching goals: 1) Identify the various stakeholders involved i

There are two overarching goals: 1) Identify the various stakeholders involved i

There are two overarching goals: 1) Identify the various stakeholders involved in a particular policy/problem and 2) visually describe the types of relationships that said actors have with one another and in relation to the policy/problem. To accomplish this, it is imperative that you utilize symbols to denote the types of relationships and have an accompanying key/legend; not having this will impact the grade, because the map is otherwise unintelligible. Secondly, as mentioned in class, it is much easier and preferable that everyone start with a specific policy at the center of the map (there is just more to say and the relationships are easier to trace; this will help with the final exam and take less time). That said, however, if someone decides to start with a policy problem instead, that is also fine but will require more contextualization and historical background in the final–though the approach is totally fine.

In this module’s Perusall reading, highlight and annotate the passages of the re

In this module’s Perusall reading, highlight and annotate the passages of the re

In this module’s Perusall reading, highlight and annotate the passages of the readings that address the following:
Chapter 14
According to research, what are people’s general thoughts on family in the United States? How do they view nontraditional family structures? How do you think these views might change in twenty years?
Discuss the different variations of the nuclear family and the trends that occur in each.
Chapter 15
Consider a religion that you are familiar with, and discuss some of its beliefs, behaviors, and norms. Discuss how these meet social needs. Then, research a religion that you don’t know much about. Explain how its beliefs, behaviors, and norms are like/unlike the other religion.
Do you believe the United States is becoming more secularized or more fundamentalist? Comparing your generation to that of your parents or grandparents, what differences do you see in the relationship between religion and society?

For this week, select one of the following questions, or make your own original

For this week, select one of the following questions, or make your own original

For this week, select one of the following questions, or make your own original contribution in reference to the week’s readings:
1. Discuss the global response to the coronavirus pandemic in the context of world society theory. Note
that the World Health Organization is an International Governmental Organization.
2. What is the role of organizations in the development of a World Society and global norms?
3. What role does money play in the diffusion of global norms?

Reading Intro to Sociology by Conerly, Holmes, Tamang Read chapters 1, 2, 3 / C

Reading Intro to Sociology by Conerly, Holmes, Tamang
Read chapters 1, 2, 3 / C

Reading Intro to Sociology by Conerly, Holmes, Tamang
Read chapters 1, 2, 3 / Chapters 4, 5, 6 / Chapters 9, 10
After reading the text, answer one or more of the following questions for chapters 1-3, chapters 4-6, and chapters 9-10 in at least 950 words
What are two man points from reading?
What does this reading say about society
What does this reading say about you?
Optional- Where can you find an example of this in society? (social media, movies, music, etc.)

Reflection: The Social Institution of Religion Although its practice varies wide

Reflection: The Social Institution of Religion
Although its practice varies wide

Reflection: The Social Institution of Religion
Although its practice varies widely, the social institution of religion has been a part of all known societies. Typically, religion serves to provide a foundation for the answers to some of the most fundamental questions of human existence and thus plays an important part in influencing many of the other social institutions in a culture. As such, examining the religious tenets of a society can provide broad insights for understanding the motivations and actions of groups in a society.
View this video on religion and society:
Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39 (YouTube – 11:05)
Answer the following questions:
Identify the major trends and changes that have occurred in society with respect to religion. What has been the effect on society?
How do the major sociological paradigms view religion? Which theory do you think best captures the role and purpose of religion from a sociological perspective?
You can address this assignment in a written submission of approximately 300 words. Where applicable, properly document any citations and references (according to the current APA standard).