6-8 page paper students will examine a text or phenomenon that relates to ICC.

6-8 page paper students will examine a text or phenomenon that relates to ICC.

6-8 page paper students will examine a text or phenomenon that relates to ICC. Using a critical perspective (concentrating on power, oppression, stereotypes, hegemony, perpetuation of stereotypes, etc.) students will critique their chosen topic as being beneficial or detrimental to peoples’ well-being. 6-8 typed double-spaced pages
MLA style citations and accompanying works cited page
Three textual references minimum (Our course readings not used. This is external research)
12 pt. font, creative title
Topic is: phenomenon of gender and women’s rights and feminism. Certain social movements and the different things women face around the world. Relating and using what we learned on stereotypes, oppression, gender, power imbalance, social construction and identity.