PJM diss5,6. 1.Read the Case Study titled “The Blue Spider Project” that begins

PJM diss5,6. 1.Read the Case Study titled “The Blue Spider Project” that begins

PJM diss5,6. 1.Read the Case Study titled “The Blue Spider Project” that begins on page 213 (in Part 9) in the Kerzner text (Kerzner, H., Project Management Case Studies, 5th ed. (Indianapolis: Wiley, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1119385974 ). discuss the following questions: What was the basis for the selection of Gary Anderson as project manager? (at least 150 words) Did he have the necessary skill set, judging from the outcome? (at least 150 words) If not, what did he have going for him and what was he missing? (at least 150 words) What could he have done to make things turn out differently? (at least 150 words) 2.In this module you learned about a communication plan. The first step in building a communication plan is to identify your key stakeholders. How would you identify a key stakeholder? Then, once you have identified that key stakeholder, how would you determine which form of communication to use? Can (and should) you have multiple forms of communication going for each of your key stakeholders? Discuss. (at least 500 words)