In Chapter 5, the textbook discusses 4 different types of regional economic inte

In Chapter 5, the textbook discusses 4 different types of regional economic inte

In Chapter 5, the textbook discusses 4 different types of regional economic integration, and uses NAFTA as an example of a Free Trade Area. Since its inception more than 20 years ago, it has been suggested that at some point in the future NAFTA should evolve into a North American Common Market. Thinking about the differences between these two different forms of economic integration and your understanding of the concepts from Chapters 3 and 4,
1) What would change if NAFTA did evolve into a Common Market?
2) Explain if and how this change would be generally beneficial or generally harmful to businesses within the NAFTA area.
3) Would this change reduce, leave unchanged, or increase cultural conflict in the region? Explain.
Your initial response to this prompt is due Wednesday before midnight, and provide at least 3 responses to your classmates over 2 different days before Sunday at midnight.