After watching the Wall St. Journal video with the Colonial Pipeline CEO, and re

After watching the Wall St. Journal video with the Colonial Pipeline CEO, and re

After watching the Wall St. Journal video with the Colonial Pipeline CEO, and reading the Law360 Expert Analysis article on how to manage cyber risk, do the following:
Conduct Internet research and identify a company, other than Colonial Pipeline, that was recently held for Cyber-ransom, of any kind.
Identify the company, why it was held ransom & what could/should have prevented it?
Did the company pay a ransom?
Who was responsible for the decision to pay/not pay?
Was the decision to pay ethical? (To pay or not to pay)
Colonial Pipeline CEO Tells why He Paid Hackers a $4.4 Million ransom:
Eaton, C., & Volz, D. (2021, May 19).
(June 2, 2021 Wednesday). 5 Steps Oil And Gas Cos. Can Take To Manage Cyber Risk. Law360 Expert Analysis – Corporate.
Discussion Guidelines

I am looking for help with this assignment. I chose Bed Bath & Beyond for this p

I am looking for help with this assignment. I chose Bed Bath & Beyond for this p

I am looking for help with this assignment. I chose Bed Bath & Beyond for this project. I attached the rubric and my milestone one paper as a reference. Part I: Profile of a Struggling Company is the milestone one paper. I just need help with II: Management Plan Recommendations and III. Conclusion. If you are able to just use accessible sources that are websites and not textbooks that would be great! Thank you!

Microsoft Excel Important Info

Microsoft Excel
Important Info

Microsoft Excel
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

1.) How to Remove Artificial Intelligence Bias? *** Need the answer ASAP ***

How to Remove Artificial Intelligence Bias?
*** Need the answer ASAP ***

How to Remove Artificial Intelligence Bias?
*** Need the answer ASAP ***
Note: Your answer should be a minimum of 4 – 5 pages and include a minimum of 2-3 references. No plagiarism/AI content is allowed.
Content should be clear, concise, and understandable.
No plagiarism/AI content is allowed.
Please follow the minimum no. of pages and include a minimum number of references,
Check for any grammatical errors and sentence structure.
No plagiarism/AI detection is allowed; please check the final answer for plagiarism before submitting.

Need a toGo/no go : Overview Objective In this assignment, you will analyze a re

Need a toGo/no go :
In this assignment, you will analyze a re

Need a toGo/no go :
In this assignment, you will analyze a real-world project based on presented data and make a go/no-go decision. This will help you to understand the process of evaluating a project′s feasibility and making informed decisions based on data.
1. Choose a real-world project to analyze.
This could be a project you are considering for your own business or organization, or a project that you have come across in your studies or professional experience.
Some examples of projects you could analyze include:
Building a solar-powered water pump
Developing a mobile app for a local non-profit organization
Implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system for a small business
2. Gather data on the project.
This data could come from a variety of sources, such as:
Workshop or presentation materials
Project proposals or plans
Reports or evaluations of similar projects
Interviews with stakeholders or subject matter experts
3. Analyze the data
Using the data you have gathered, complete an analysis of the project. Your analysis should include:
A summary of the project and its goals
An assessment of the project′s potential benefits and risks
An evaluation of the project′s feasibility, including an assessment of the resources (e.g., time, money, personnel) required to complete the project
A discussion of any potential challenges or obstacles that may need to be addressed in order for the project to be successful
4. Make a go/no-go decision:
Based on your analysis, make a go/no-go decision for the project. This decision should be based on the data you have gathered and your assessment of the project′s feasibility.
In your decision, be sure to consider:
The potential benefits of the project
The resources required to complete the project
The potential risks and challenges associated with the project
5. Write a report:
Summarize your analysis and go/no-go decision in a written report. Your report should be clear and concise, and should include:
A summary of the project and its goals
An assessment of the project′s potential benefits and risks
An evaluation of the project′s feasibility, including an assessment of the resources required to complete the project
A discussion of any potential challenges or obstacles that may need to be addressed in order for the project to be successful
Your go/no-go decision, along with a justification for your decision based on the data and analysis you have presented
What to Submit
Submit a 3-4 page, double-spaced report responding to the prompt in step 5.
Meets Standard
Approaching Standard (79-70%)
Below Standard
Benefits and risks
Thorough assessment of benefits and risks for the project.
General assessment of benefits and risks for the project, but lacks some clarity.
Unclear or missing assessment of benefits for that pose the project.
Project feasibility
Evaluation of project feasibility includes a comprehensive assessment of the resources required to complete the project.
Evaluation of project feasibility includes a general assessment of the resources required to complete the project, but doesn’t consider all avenues.
Evaluation of project feasibility includes a partial assessment of the resources required to complete the project, OR, missing evaluation.
Potential challenges
Potential challenges or obstacles to project success are discussed and fully examined.
Potential challenges or obstacles to project success are discussed and generally touched upon.
Does not provide discussion on potential challenges or obstacles to project success OR ideas are not relevant to the success plan.
Go/no-go decision
Go/no-go decision includes a justification for decision made based on the data and analysis.
Go/no-go decision includes a justification for decision but not fully based on the data and analysis.
Go/no-go decision missing or is missing justification or is not supported by the data and analysis.
Writes clearly and concisely with no errors related to organization, grammar, style, and citations.
Writes clearly with minor errors related to organization, grammar, style, or citations.
Writes with major errors related to clarity, organization, grammar, style, and citations.

Hello, I need you to expand the attached report ( each paragraph has to be expa

I need you to expand the attached report ( each paragraph has to be expa

I need you to expand the attached report ( each paragraph has to be expanded & make sure it’s written by human NOT AI ).
In addition, add the following to the report:
Flow chart.
Data collection.
Data Analysis and Results.
Findings summary and conclusion.
Once it’s completed convert the report into a presentation.
Professionalism is required

social responsibility problem or issue of their choice. The purpose of your fina

social responsibility problem or issue of their choice. The purpose of your fina

social responsibility problem or issue of their choice. The purpose of your final paper is to detail a social problem and offer a way for business to participate in the solution to the problem.: Final Paper
Students will develop a (roughly) 1500-word paper regarding a social responsibility problem or issue of their choice. The purpose of your final paper is to detail a social problem and offer a way for business to participate in the solution to the problem.

This paper should be presented in double-space type (Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, or Lucida Fax, 12-point font, one-inch margins) and include relevant (and self-created) tables and figures as applicable. The paper should be well-formatted, making good use of headings. The paper should draw on external sources and should cite those using standards consistent with the APA or Academy of Management citation style. I accept any formatting of your submissions, citations, and references as long as you are consistent. I prefer the Academy of Management Journal style ( However, you can use APA, MLA, or any other style if you a familiar with it. You can install EndNote on your computer for free from the UHCL Library website. EndNote is a tool that allows you to organize and format all your citations and references. Please ask the UHCL research librarians for help with EndNote if you need it. It is essential that you cite the relevant concepts and ideas from academic articles in your final paper.

1500 words is roughly 5-6 double spaced pages. For your reference, this section of the syllabus, detailing the Course Final Paper is about 1500 words long. I will not consider long quoted passages as part of your word count. I will only count sections of your authorship. Substance matters more than volume. References, tables, and pictures do not count toward the 1500-word guideline.

You are welcome to use ideas developed by your classmates in Virtual Learning Communities (see below). If you use some of those ideas, be sure to cite them properly and include the proper references in the “References” section of your paper (using the student’s name, date of post, and the number of VLC in which it was posted). I will look for your value added above and beyond the ideas of your classmates and any other sources that you will choose to cite. Simply recycling ideas from your sources is insufficient.

Every submission will be checked via the Turnitin feature of Canvas (see the section below on Academic Honesty). Turnitin compares submissions to other submissions as well as catalogued sources on the Internet. Turnitin is therefore a tool to fight plagiarism.

Matching sections are not necessarily indications of plagiarism. Properly cited and quoted sections will show up as matches in Turnitin. In this case, the presence of quotation and citation indicates your compliance with scholarly requirements for attribution of sourcing. Matching areas of content without proper attribution, though, are certainly a sign of plagiarism. Plagiarism, if detected, will be handled as indicated in the academic honesty policies of this syllabus. Your enrollment in this course constitutes your knowledge of and agreement with the UHCL Academic Honesty policies.
Identify the Problem
You should fully identify the social problem you choose to address. This means you should explain the problem as well as several of the most important issues or challenges which this social problem comprises. For each issue you describe, you should provide explanations of important concepts that must be understood (don’t assume that your readers are familiar with the topic you choose). You should also provide evidence in the form of convincing information. This information should be traceable to a reputable organization and it should be relevant to the problem, issue, or concept you are discussing.

The social problem you choose to address may be drawn from one of the broader topics we examined in our virtual learning communities, but this is not a requirement. You may, at your discretion, choose to address a different social problem. Additionally, while the virtual learning communities largely focused on social problems within the United States, your paper need not be restricted to the U.S. market. Indeed, students are reminded to review some of the areas of focus of B Corps and other socially responsible entrepreneurial activities addressed during our first VLC for potential directions.

At all times you should explain the relevance and significance of the problems, issues, and concepts you are discussing (we need to know why it’s important). You should also focus on helping us understand the underlying assumptions and logic of these issues, concepts, or problems. If there is a relationship between two things (either A causes B, A precedes but may not necessarily cause B, or A and B consistently happen in correlation with each other), make sure we understand the logic of why these relationships are believed to exist.

Keep in mind that you are not being asked to solve world-wide problems with magical solutions. It’s okay to think small or think local in this project. As an example, solving the problem of poverty in the entire United States is not something any specific business could hope to accomplish. Addressing one aspect of poverty in one area of the country, though, is within the scope of operations for many businesses.

Be sure to use the theory that was covered in the assigned readings. You don’t have to cite every single paper that you have read; however, proper use of relevant theory demonstrates learning.
How can business contribute
Offer a suggestion in how business can participate in solving (or at least helping mitigate) the problem you identify. Make sure you have an idea that addresses the problem you identified and attempt to show how addressing this problem could potentially be part of a businesses operating strategy.

You are asked to develop a novel idea, not simply report on the CSR activities of an already existing entity. However, if you can identify a firm that uses a similar approach, it is reasonable to consider adapting that idea to a new market or new problem. Be sure to credit the source of your idea if it is developed from an existing CSR initiative and also be clear to demonstrate how your idea differs from the existing idea if this is the case.

Your proposed solution could focus on actions of large firms, actions of small or mid-sized firms, or actions of start-up entrepreneurial ventures. Your solutions could directly address the problem or could participate in the discourse on the problem. While it can (and in many cases should) involve participation and partnerships with government and not-for-profit organizations, you need to identify where and how a for-profit entity fits into this solution.

While you are not being asked to prove the profitability potential of your solution, you are asked to at least think about and provide some discussion on the profit aspects of your solution. Remember that profit can be gained by increasing overall revenue while retaining near-similar cost structures or by reducing cost while retaining near-historical revenue levels.

This means that upstream-focused operations (things that address your supply lines and direct firm operations) can be as meaningful as those downstream-focused (involving the marketing, selling, and distribution of your goods). Within the scope of this paper you don’t have room to fully investigate the cost-benefits of your recommendation, but you must provide some consideration of the economic impact of this action for the firm in question.
What’s missing (e.g. why isn’t this already happening)?
What is needed to put your idea into action? Think about the resources needed to enact your idea.

What human capital is needed? What types of skills, capabilities, and expertise would it take and where would you find those types of people?
What physical capital (plants, property and equipment) is needed? Does it exist and if so, where would you find it? If it doesn’t exist, what type of new technologies are emerging which suggest that the physical capital you need may eventually become available (and how long will it take)?
What financial capital is needed? Is this an expensive and extensive project or something that can be done reasonably inexpensively (your answer to the two prior questions likely suggests your answer to this question)? What sources of capital might be interested in involvement with this and what types of government grants or incentives would help?
What social capital (what types of people or organization connections would be beneficial) is needed to develop and implement your idea?

You may not have an easily identifiable answer to each of these areas. You need to consider them, though. If you can’t find an example of the thing you would need, you should identify this as an obstacle and offer a suggestion on what it might take to address this obstacle.

Ultimately, your solution and your identification of resources must address the problem you articulate. This reinforces the importance of addressing actionable problems, and that often involves narrowing the scope of your focus. In terms of social responsibility in business, a CPA in rural Arkansas who helps other small businesses identify tax credit benefits for implementing sustainability solutions is just as important as IKEA focusing on global sustainability of its operations.

Grading rubric for the final project
Your final project will be graded based on the following criteria:

Problem identification significance, clarity, evidence, and precision – up to 6 points.
Contribution of business: logic, theory, evidence, depth, breadth, and originality of the solution that you offer – up to 9 points.
What’s missing? (Resources needed) Evidence, logic, and fairness of your diagnosis of the resources that are missing to implement the solution in #2 – up to 6 points.
Writing, organization, and presentation: quality of writing; overall organization of your paper; clarity of communication of your ideas; presentation is supported by relevant visuals, charts, well-organized data – up to 6 points

BUS 225 Project Four Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will

BUS 225 Project Four Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will

BUS 225 Project Four Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences
Your presentation to stakeholders was wildly successful and the company has determined that it is in their best interest to move forward with the diversification strategy you recommended. Since you did so well with the presentation, you have been asked by company leadership to prepare a draft of the press release that will go out to announce this new strategy. Your press release is meant for the external audience that was not represented at the all-stakeholder meeting: a group that includes customers, vendors, suppliers, and the general community.
Using the template provided in the supporting materials section below, draft a press release that reflects your company’s new venture and how it affects the general external audience. Your press release should address the following rubric criteria:
Address the key points appropriate for external audiences.
Summarize the diversification decision.
Explain why the decision was made.
Explain where in the marketplace the new products are launching.
Identify who benefits from this product in both the company and the community.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit your completed press release template of 1 to 2 pages using the provided templates, or the document you downloaded from Soomo. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Project Four Template Word Document
Project Four Rubric
CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)Value
Construct an External Press ReleaseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerConstructs an external press release that addresses the key points appropriate for external audiencesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inappropriately addressing external audiencesDoes not attempt criterion30
What the Decision WasExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSummarizes the decision appropriately for external audiencesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include summary that is incomplete or is not appropriate for external audiencesDoes not attempt criterion15
Why the Decision Was MadeExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSummarizes why the decision was made in a manner appropriate for external audiencesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include summary that does not address key decision details or is not appropriate for external audiencesDoes not attempt criterion15
Where in the Marketspace the New Products Are LaunchingExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSummarizes where in the marketplace the new products are launching for external audiencesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include summary that is missing key elements of the new market space or is not appropriate for external audiencesDoes not attempt criterion15
Who Benefits From This Product in Both the Company and the CommunityExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSummarizes who benefits from this new product in both the company and the community appropriately for external audiencesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include summary that does not include benefit to the company or the community or is not appropriate for external audiencesDoes not attempt criterion15
Articulation of ResponseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas5
Citations and AttributionsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errorsDoes not use citations for ideas requiring attribution5

I am working on a group project with my classmates. We are to complete a charter

I am working on a group project with my classmates. We are to complete a charter

I am working on a group project with my classmates. We are to complete a charter. I do not need the research done, only need corrections.
Corrections below:
The work division plan needs to be added.
We need to change the title as well to “Team Charter” and I think we need a few more point added and dress up the presentation with bulletins and graphics to capture the attention of the readers if possible. Also, we need more than 2 references I have I submitted 5 references and Barbara submitted 2 references. There should be at least one reference per plan and quoted when necessary.
I also need the reflection (separate document).