Case Study Writeup – Sustainable Business The Social Responsibility of Business

Case Study Writeup – Sustainable Business
The Social Responsibility of Business

Case Study Writeup – Sustainable Business
The Social Responsibility of Business & Unilever Case (HBR Coursepack) Analyzing future options and deciding on the most desirable alternative
Milton Friedman’s (1970) essay on “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” has long been cited by managers, politicians, and business scholars alike to argue against various forms or social responsibilities of businesses. (You can find the original essay in the Library Resource Organizer or on the Internet: to an external site.
(1) Synthesis: Engage with Friedman’s arguments by reading his famous essay and briefly summarize his main lines of argument. Why, according to Friedman, should the social responsibility of business be to increase its profits? Why might businesses have responsibilities other than increasing their profits?(use references to support your arguments. (1 pt)
(2) Synthesis: Now, apply this thinking to the Unilever Case (HBR Coursepack). How would you evaluate Paul Polman’s 2010 decision to implement a new strategy based on the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan? What benefits did it offer? What risks did it present? Describe how effective you think the implementation of the USLP strategy has been. (1pt)
(3) Key Findings: Given our analysis of the many risks, barriers and impediments Poleman faced in introducing this bold USLP strategy, how was he able to overcome these obstacles and implement such a successful radical transformational change? (1 point)
(4) Application: Limiting ourselves to the options identified by Polman and his ULE team, which of these three strategies would you advise them to take. Give support for your position using supporting references. (1 pt)
‘double down’ by pushing ahead on USLP objectives;
‘hunker down’ by scaling back on USLP and focusing more on the current financial challenges;
or ‘pivot and refocus’ the strategy on the new partnership-based transformational change agenda
Make use of supplemental material as well as examples/cases, to demonstrate your arguments.
Submission Guidelines
Page length = 2 pages, If you create much less than 2 pages, you will lose points from each section that is lacking. References are not counted in this page limit.
No less than 1 inch margins and 12-point font (enforced). Smaller/Larger fonts and margins will be deducted 10%.
Click “Submit Assignment” located at the top right-hand corner to upload your assignment.
Cite your relevant sources in APA citation and referencing format (this refers only to the citations/references not the paper writing style)
This assignment uses TurnitIn, a plagiarism checker to help you verify the authenticity of your work
Papers that demonstrate students’ superior ability to integrate the readings and draw conclusions that are important to managers and/or policy makers will receive a score of an A, whereas a D score will be awarded to papers that have weak analytical form and construction.
Paper 2 Rubric
Paper 2 Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesisSummarize the main take-aways in a concise and clear manner
2 to >1.7 ptsExcellent
Thoughtfully addresses all required elements and makes explicit connections with supplementary evidence, references, or resources. Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas.
1.7 to >1.5 ptsGood
Thoughtfully addresses all required elements. Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas.
1.5 to >1.0 ptsFair
Cursory. Does not address all required elements. Sources are missing or the majority cited not relevant or credible
1 to >0 ptsIncomplete
Incomplete. Does not address most of the required elements. The majority cited not relevant or credible
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey FindingsAnalyses and discusses key takeaways across the readings
1 to >0.85 ptsExcellent
Thoughtfully addresses all required elements and makes explicit connections with supplementary evidence, references, or resources. Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas.
0.85 to >0.75 ptsGood
Thoughtfully addresses all required elements. Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas.
0.75 to >0.5 ptsFair
Cursory. Does not address all required elements. Sources are missing or the majority cited not relevant or credible
0.5 to >0 ptsIncomplete
Incomplete. Does not address most of the required elements. The majority cited not relevant or credible
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicationIntegrate the different concepts; draw conclusions that are important to organizations
1 to >0.85 ptsExcellent
Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the topic.
0.85 to >0.75 ptsGood
Uses mostly appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas but may lack full development of ideas.
0.75 to >0.5 ptsFair
Development of topic may be lacking.
0.5 to >0 ptsIncomplete
Development of topic is lacking, underdeveloped or not directly related to topic.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting and grammarbe no more than two pages; be single-spaced within and double-spaced between paragraphs. No less than 1-inch margins and 12-point font are acceptable.
0.5 to >0.43 ptsExcellent
Clear and logical flow, no errors in grammar or typos.
0.43 to >0.38 ptsGood
Thoughtfully addresses all required elements. Clear and logical flow, few or no errors in grammar or typos.
0.38 to >0 ptsIncomplete
Disorganized, many errors in grammar or typos.
0.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations & ReferencesCitations are utilized correctly. A formatted reference list is provided.
0.5 to >0.43 ptsExcellent
Citations and references used appropriately.
0.43 to >0.38 ptsGood
Some citations or references missing or not appropriately utilized
0.38 to >0 ptsIncomplete
No citations or references used.
0.5 pts
Total Points: 5