Second Integrative Essay Assignment Compose and submit an essay response to of o

Second Integrative Essay Assignment
Compose and submit an essay response to of o

Second Integrative Essay Assignment
Compose and submit an essay response to of one of the questions below. Your essay should be 3-5 double-spaced pages (12 point Times New Roman font, cover sheet and reference page not included in page count). An effective essay will:
Begin with a thesis statement that concisely expresses the answer to the assigned questions.
Support the thesis with clear explanations and, as appropriate, examples.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevant concepts from the text, case studies, and/or supplemental instruction materials.
Choose one of the following questions for your essay.
Essay Topic (related to the Chick-fil-A video): As described in the video, there are at least two ways in which Chick-fil-A’s corporate culture in an expression of religious values held by the family that owns and manages the company. One of them is their being closed on Sundays. The second is their support of organizations that agree with their views on a controversial issue in society today, the recognition of same-sex marriages. In your essay identify and describe at least three issues from the readings in Chapters 1 through 6 that are relevant for discussion in light of Chick-fil-A’s commitment to these values. Use these concepts to justify your own position as to whether Chick-fil-A is justified in their approach.
Essay Topic (related to the Six Traits of a True Professional video): The video provides a somewhat less formal approach to defining a profession than the criteria that Carr provides (see Instructor’s notes for Unit 1). Compare and contrast the two sets of traits/criteria. Using relevant concepts from the readings in Chapters 1 through 6 describe which of the two sets you find more effective as a guide to understanding? Which of the two sets do you think serves as a better model for a successful professional like. Have you chosen the same set for each question, or a different one for each? Explain your reasoning.
Format: Use the APA Style Guide, 7th edition. A useful online summary of the guide is available here at the APA OWL (Links to an external site.). Use the Student Paper format – a sample is available on the lead page at the URL listed. If you use sources outside of the textbook, use the proper APA (author, date) inline citation style and add a properly formatted bibliographic entry in a ‘References’ section at the end of the paper. To cite material from the textbook, no bibliographical entry is needed, and please use the following conventions: for readings and case studies where an author is credited, give the author(s) last name, followed by [EAP] and the page number. Example: (Kant, [EAP], p, 77). If the material cited comes from an uncredited case study or one of the author’s introductions, cite simply as [EAP] and followed by page number. For example, “When you think of noble work, work truly worth doing, you think of the professional ([EAP], p.1)”.
Please submit your document in MS Word docx format, or as a pdf file.