Requirements: Choose a quote from the course materials for that week (from anyth

Choose a quote from the course materials for that week (from anyth

Choose a quote from the course materials for that week (from anything except mini lecture videos).
Demonstrate critical engagement with the quote
Write in clear style and grammar
Cite the quote in-text in ASA style (No reference/Works Cited page needed). Go to the individual Modules for article author and publication dates for all the readings or click here for the list of citations for videos and podcasts from class.
Minimum of 275 words (excluding the quote). 275-400 words is typical of a good post.
Detailed Instructions:
Select a direct quote from one of the readings or videos (from anything except from mini lecture videos) from this week that you find the most interesting, confusing or thought-provoking and explain why. Just one quote from one reading or video. You do not have to choose a quote from every course material due for that week.
Describe why you chose that quote.Some questions to consider are: (You do not have to answer all of these. These are just to get you thinking if you are stuck).How did the reading/video make you feel?
How compelling do you find the arguments made in the reading/video?
How do the ideas relate to your life (family, friends, school, work, etc.)?
How might you use those concepts in your life (personal life or current/future career)?
How do the ideas in the course materials relate to other classes you have taken?
What do you want to remember from this week’s class after the semester is over? Explain why.
What questions or comments do you have about the content this week? Which concepts or ideas are still unclear?