Two (2) ARTICLE CRITIQUES of RESEARCH PAPER provided by the instructor (15 Point

Two (2) ARTICLE CRITIQUES of RESEARCH PAPER provided by the instructor (15 Point

Two (2) ARTICLE CRITIQUES of RESEARCH PAPER provided by the instructor (15 Points each). The research articles have
been selected by the instructor for the students to write a critique. The respective research is listed in the syllabus and will be uploaded on
to Canvas section. Use the criteria and rubrics given below for both assignments. Your document must use a “readable” font, such as
12pt Times New Roman font, double spacing, 1-inch margins and your citation must be in correct APA format (use the
Sixth Edition of
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ONLY. Three (3) pages only not less, plus cover sheet with nam
research to complete Instructor provided Research Article Critique
“Conducting Action Research While Teaching About It” by
Marilyn Johnston , Shirley Bendau, Julia Covert, Mary Christenson, Jennifer
Dyer, Georgene Risko, and Ruslan Slutsky: The Ohio State University