Focusing on China’s policies & pragmatic strategies in promoting a mutually bene

Focusing on China’s policies & pragmatic strategies in promoting a mutually bene

Focusing on China’s policies & pragmatic strategies in promoting a mutually beneficial cooperation with Malayia as a nation & with ASEAN as a SEA regional grouping.
Coverage to include the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) framework that covers the following 10 key areas : 1)RCEP, 2) Connectivity, 3) Digital Economy, 4) e-commerce, 5) Sustainable Development, 6)Smart Cities, 7)Tourism, 8)Education, 9) Public Health & 10) People-to-people Exchanges.
Relevant key strategy like China’s Belt Road Initiatives that benefited infrastructure development in Malaysia & other ASEAN countries. Investigate how these projects has benefited or will benefit Malaysia & other ASEAN countries, as well as idenitfying major shortcomings that may serve as useful references for China, Malaysia & other ASEAN countries for future improvement.
The other aspect would be to examine the effectiveness of its strategy in engaging Malaysia & relevant ASEAN countries in territorial conflicts. How Malaysia & other ASEAN countries adopt a pragmatic approach in response to China’s preferred bilateral engagement instead of dealing with ASEAN as a united bloc.
Write up should be phrased in a positive & constructive way.