Read screenshot 1691 for instructions, read study hard, then read academic popul

Read screenshot 1691 for instructions, read study hard, then read academic popul

Read screenshot 1691 for instructions, read study hard, then read academic popular voice pp. Also look at “Verifying Sources” You can watch this video about fake news ( In our Tracking Research assignment we are examining the information we receive to determine its credibility, reliability, accuracy and authority. This is a skill that we need to develop throughout our lives as we navigate the information overload age. Accordingly, we need to increase our level of discernment as famous 19th Century preacher Charles Spurgeon advises: “discernment is not just knowing the difference between right and wrong; it is knowing the difference between right and almost right”.
Part of your efforts at Biola University is to: “Study hard to show yourself approved unto God as a workman who does need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). This Bible study examines this verse and how we can accomplish this directive: Read “Study Hard”.
Discuss what efforts you have made in discerning the information you have received this week and parsing the “right and almost right”. Submit a one-page, double spaced assignment by Friday evening of this week. Basically, write about how you discern between a correct peer-reviewed source and a predatory journal. YOU must use personal pronouns like “I” in this assignment and don’t use AI like chatgpt.