Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Most students who take “ITSC” courses, do it with the intention of joining the IT (Information Technology) field of work as this profession may include or is related to Networking, Data Analysis, CISCO, Web Development, Social Media, E-Commerce, Hardware, Software Development, Cybersecurity, Media Development and other related professions.
For this discussing question, you will go to the web and find out what are the Top 10 Technology jobs in Texas, and what is the expected growth of the jobs you include as part of your research.
I also want you to include the “Data Analyst” field of work as part of your research. This field of work is in high demand here in Houston and therefore, two years ago, LSC incorporated DA as part of the CIT, ITSC field of study.
Finally, I want you to tell us about your preferred job and/or your major and why you decided to select this major /profession as a career. Major:cybersecurity major
Requirements: 300 Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages | .doc file
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each paragraph.
Please be sure to use current credible or scholalry sources.

PART ONE Adapt a lesson plan that can demonstrate cultural responsive teaching t

Adapt a lesson plan that can demonstrate cultural responsive teaching to a diverse population. Find a generic lesson plan and modify 3 areas within the lesson to be culturally responsive. Areas could include: formative/summative assessments, instructional strategies/procedures, materials, etc.
Cultural Diversity Lesson Plan
Write a reflection to address the following:
1. Why is being culturally responsive important?
2. What specific strategies did the student learn throughout this semester/unit that would be considered culturally responsive on any lesson plan?
3. What impact does cultural responsive teaching/instruction have on all students (whether mainstream or special populations) in the classroom?

What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are

What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are Too Many People Going to College?” with the argument presented in one of the assigned articles in Week 1 (Owen & Sawhill, Addison, or Lehman). How do both articles address the overall argument about the role and impact of college?
In your essay, address the following questions:
What are the authors’ perspectives on the role of college for students today? What is your stance on the issues they present?
Which aspects of their articles agree with each other? Which differ and how are the differences significant in providing a broader understanding of the issue?
Identify two or three key points the authors make that jumped out at you. Include one quote from each article and explain why it speaks to your understanding and perspective on the issues the authors raise.
What are some aspects either author has not considered, based on your perspectives or experience with pursuing your own degree? Explain why this is an important consideration for a deeper understanding of the argument.
Why is this issue important for your reader to consider? What changes do we need to make to support (or decrease) the role of a college education?
Your essay should include a thesis statement, several body paragraphs that develop each of your points, and quotations from the text to support claims.
Follow the standards of academic writing and MLA format detailed in They Say/I Say (Chapter 9) and The Little Seagull Handbook (W-2). Refer to the Assignment Expectations in the Start Here module of the course for more details.

My topic is studying the phycological demeaner and actions of individuals weathe

My topic is studying the phycological demeaner and actions of individuals weather it be terrorist, terrorist groups, prison inmates, convicts on trial of watching how people to react to discipline let alone handle the outcomes of their actions for years to come. (criminal justice major)
Assignment objective: Create an annotated bibliography of two academically credible sources and a research proposal of at least one full paragraph.
Length: Your overall submission should be at least 300 words.
References: At least two sources are required. Both sources should be academically credible (academic journals, eBooks, periodicals, organizational websites, etc.) and no more than 5 years old. Use APA Style 7th edition standards to format the reference citations for each source.
Details: Part I: Create an annotated bibliography of your two strongest sources: one that is in support of the pro side of your topic and one that is in support of the con side of your topic. Create a reference citation using APA Style and a short annotation or summary for each source. An annotation is a short paragraph that summarizes the source’s main points, purpose, and conclusions. You should also include at least one sentence that indicates how you might use the information from the source within your paper (it’s okay if your use of the source changes throughout the project).
Part II: Write a short research proposal paragraph that explains your chosen research topic, arguments on either side of the controversy, and finally, your tentative thesis statement. The purpose of the research proposal is to help you understand your project, gain direction and feedback on your project, and establish a blueprint for your project.
Begin with a few sentences that offer context (background information) about the topic.
Then, detail the controversy surrounding the issue, and include at least two sentences detailing the arguments on either side of the issue.
Finally, offer your tentative thesis statement, which is your overall argument about the issue. It is normal to hone and strengthen the thesis statement throughout the first few stages of the writing process, so it is okay if your thesis statement is not exactly where you want it to be just yet. The thesis should make a solid argument and offer a justification of the position (tell your reader why the argument is valid, important, or true).

“The Information Ecosystem,” by Knute O. Berger and update it for the contempora

“The Information Ecosystem,” by Knute O. Berger and update it for the contemporary/ present moment. Where Berger discusses the rise of cable, telephones, and computers, you may focus on streaming, smartphones, and the Internet. Essentially, you should describe the current information ecosystem to include how information is created and shared as well as how information is consumed.
Essays may discuss any/ all of the following:
How the integrity of information changes when everyone has the ability to create and distribute that information
What new and emerging technologies are playing or will play an essential role in information creation and consumption in the future
How the information ecosystem today is better than it was in the past
Dangers or pitfalls of the contemporary/ current information ecosystem
Anything else you find interesting/ relevant
Sample Organizational Model
Introduction: Your introduction may summarize the original article by Berger. What was the information ecosystem like in 1989? How did Berger feel about it? What were his concerns? Include a specific thesis that summarizes how you believe the information ecosystem has changed in the decades since.
Body Section 1: Describe the benefits of contemporary information ecosystem. Cite specific examples of new media and traditional media that illustrate your points.
Body Section 2: Describe the potential pitfalls of the contemporary information ecosystem. Cite specific examples of new media and traditional media that illustrate your points.
Body Section 3: Discuss what you think the future might look like with regard to information creation and distribution. What is happening now that might set up the next radical change?
Conclusion: Return again to the 1989 article and draw connections between the current/ future information ecosystem and what Berger saw happening in the late 80s.
Works Cited: A page that lists all sources you’ve used in your writing, including “The Information Ecosystem” and any other resources.
Source Requirements
A minimum of two secondary sources that speak to the current information ecosystem that you locate through your own research process, cited in MLA style
“The Information Ecosystem” article from Module 1
Grading Criteria
Your essay should be
a formal, academic argument
presented in MLA style (including a sources list)
700-850 words
Your essay may include
visual components if they contribute to the written content in a significant way
more than three sources if necessary/ the content dictates as such
“The Information Ecosystem” by Knute O. Berger (opens in new window): The framing text of the course
Library Resources (opens in new window): An overview of FTCC library resources, included tutorials on important tools like NCLive and Opposing Viewpoints.
“Thesis Statements” from UNC (opens in new window): An instructional text that looks at drafting strong thesis statements
“Introductions and Conclusions” from the University of Arizona Global Campus (opens in a new window): pay close attention especially to the academic introductions and conclusions sections of this reading
“The Anatomy of a Paragraph” by Zachary Schrag (opens in a new window): an overview of the different types of sentences that make up a paragraph
“Citing Sources” from Sacred Heart University (opens in a new window): an overview of citation to include rationale and execution

Overview In this assignment, you will continue to work with the text you chose f

In this assignment, you will continue to work with the text you chose for the project. Like the reading response you completed last week, this activity will guide you in analyzing key aspects of the text. This assignment will prepare you to explain the writer’s choices in relation to the genre of the text and explain the writer’s choices in relation to audience, purpose, and/or subject of the text. It will also prepare you to identify an audience for the second version of your paper, describe the needs of that audience, and describe the needs of the writing situation for the second version of your paper.
For this assignment, you will address prompts about the audience and writing situation in relation to genre, core idea, and purpose using the template linked in the What to Submit section.
Specifically, you must address the following regarding your chosen text:
Identify a possible primary audience of the text.
On the basis of the core idea and purpose of the text, who do you think could be the primary audience of the text?
Remember that in this assignment, you are thinking about who the writer of your chosen text might have intended to address, not the audiences that you will address in your project.
Identify other possible audiences for the text.
What are other possible audiences for the text?
Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate regarding the genre of the text.
Why are the audiences appropriate considering the genre of the text?
Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate regarding the writing situation of the text.
Why are those audiences appropriate considering the writing situation of the text?
Describe how the writer attracts and guides the audience.
How does the writer capture the attention of the audience?
How does the writer guide the audience in the text?

Take the prewriting that you do on your own and expand it into a full-length fil

Take the prewriting that you do on your own and expand it into a full-length film/ restaurant/ album/ TV review using techniques learned in class. Your review can be positive or negative, but your opinion must be grounded in experience and logic. Additionally, your review must be evaluative and analytical and not exclusively summative. Remember readings from last week about establishing criteria. Your review should be written in a professional voice for traditional media.
The review must be a minimum of 700 words in length and in proper MLA format. Papers not meeting these expectations will not be accepted.
Grading Criteria
Your review must be specific and name the media/ product/ experience you are reviewing. Essentially, anything you can spend time or money on can be reviewed.
Think about how texts written for traditional media acknowledge sources. You must acknowledge any sources you use in your writing according to expectations for traditional media. This includes your chosen text and any other source material you incorporate.
Submissions should be around 700 words and in MLA style, including a Works Cited page for any sources used, including the piece of media being evaluate
“Evaluation” by Liza Long (opens in new tab): A detailed look at evaluative writing including how to establish criteria and more.
“Thesis Statements” from UNC (opens in new window): An instructional text that looks at drafting strong thesis statements
“Introductions and Conclusions” from the University of Arizona Global Campus (opens in a new window): pay close attention especially to the academic introductions and conclusions sections of this reading
“The Anatomy of a Paragraph” by Zachary Schrag (opens in a new window): an overview of the different types of sentences that make up a paragraph
“Citing Sources” from Sacred Heart University (opens in a new window): an overview of citation to include rationale and execution

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll be examining the rhetorical s

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll be examining the rhetorical strategies at work in the texts we’re reading. We’ll examine how each writer constructs his/her argument, how that argument succeeds, how it fails, what the implications of the argument are, including not only are they applaudable insights, but the terrible dangers implicit (or explicit) in each. In an effort to hone your engagement with these texts, you will learn to recognize and deploy what are called “the rhetorical appeals”. You will be introduced to the three kinds of appeals we see in text—the logical appeal (logos), the ethical appeal (ethos), and the emotional appeal (pathos). As such, for your first paper, you will “read” one of these texts (of your choice from the list below) examining how one or more of the appeals work in that text in regards to the writer’s argument.
To explain, you’ll pick a text you’d like to explore, choose an appeal you think is used in some interesting/effective/dangerous way in the text, and examine how that appeal is used. Your purpose is up to you. There are many possibilities—many which we’ll at least begin to explore in our discussions.
3-full pages
Reading List:
NH: Rushdy, “Exquisite Corpse”
TSIS: Goldsmith, “Go Ahead: Waste Time on the Internet”
TSIS: Graff, “Hidden Intellectualism

My topic is studying the phycological demeaner and actions of individuals weathe

My topic is studying the phycological demeaner and actions of individuals weather it be terrorist, terrorist groups, prison inmates, convicts on trial of watching how people to react to discipline let alone handle the outcomes of their actions for years to come. (criminal justice major)
Assignment objective: Create an annotated bibliography of two academically credible sources and a research proposal of at least one full paragraph.
Length: Your overall submission should be at least 300 words.
References: At least two sources are required. Both sources should be academically credible (academic journals, eBooks, periodicals, organizational websites, etc.) and no more than 5 years old. Use APA Style 7th edition standards to format the reference citations for each source.
Details: Part I: Create an annotated bibliography of your two strongest sources: one that is in support of the pro side of your topic and one that is in support of the con side of your topic. Create a reference citation using APA Style and a short annotation or summary for each source. An annotation is a short paragraph that summarizes the source’s main points, purpose, and conclusions. You should also include at least one sentence that indicates how you might use the information from the source within your paper (it’s okay if your use of the source changes throughout the project).
Part II: Write a short research proposal paragraph that explains your chosen research topic, arguments on either side of the controversy, and finally, your tentative thesis statement. The purpose of the research proposal is to help you understand your project, gain direction and feedback on your project, and establish a blueprint for your project.
Begin with a few sentences that offer context (background information) about the topic.
Then, detail the controversy surrounding the issue, and include at least two sentences detailing the arguments on either side of the issue.
Finally, offer your tentative thesis statement, which is your overall argument about the issue. It is normal to hone and strengthen the thesis statement throughout the first few stages of the writing process, so it is okay if your thesis statement is not exactly where you want it to be just yet. The thesis should make a solid argument and offer a justification of the position (tell your reader why the argument is valid, important, or true).

Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to practice drafting efficient Executi

The purpose of this discussion is to practice drafting efficient Executive Summaries.
First, watch the video, Video Review of Executive Summary from Victoria Business School.
Post a draft of the Executive Summary of your Report in this discussion, and provide feedback on a classmate’s draft. Your summary draft should follow the Victoria Business School executive summary’s format and structure.
Keep in mind that an Executive Summary is often the most read part of a report. It might also be the ONLY part of a report someone reads to form an idea of that report’s purpose and content. Consequently, a well-constructed, efficient, and complete Executive Summary is essential to the success of a report. This is the video link.