Please add onto my script I attached the script and use the clinical emulations

Please add onto my script I attached the script and use the clinical emulations

Please add onto my script I attached the script and use the clinical emulations I need more added onto the emulations and explain more about each one listed below. Thanks
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for MSN students to demonstrate student-centered communication skills and use of technology to explain to Level 1 pre-licensure student nurses how they will be evaluated in the hospital setting and simulation lab. (The video that you create will be from the perspective that you are the teacher speaking to your students.)
Process: Read Chapters 13 and 14 in the textbook. Review the PowerPoint presentation and the learning activities listed in Module 4. As the NU 102 Fundamentals in Nursing course instructor, you would like to explain to your pre-licensure Level 1 students how they will be evaluated in the hospital setting and the simulation lab.
Review the principles for selecting clinical (hospital or real patient experience) evaluation methods on pages 267-293 to guide your decision. Review the Clinical Evaluation Tools in the Appendices. Select one of the following rating scales as the tool that you will use to evaluate hospital clinical performance:Level_I clinical evaluation tool_CGN6411.docPreview the documentView in a new window (a numerical graded tool) or Fundamentals_of_Nursing s or u.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window (Qualitative graded tool). Pick ONE clinical (hospital) evaluation tool.
Next for the simulation evaluation tool, go to the Creighton University Simulation Evaluation Instrument (Links to an external site.) website and download the instrument (at (Links to an external site.).) Complete the training (Links to an external site.)or orientation session at (Links to an external site.) , which consists of two videos (It will take approximately 12 minutes to watch both video presentations). Download the Guidelines and Assumptions . Select which competencies that you will require for the first simulation.Preview the documentView in a new windowThe hospital and simulation evaluation tools will be kept in the student’s clinical folder/journal.
Create a script for your video. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT APA format, but pay attention to your grammar and teaching style. Begin your teaching with an introduction, such as, “Hello, my name is Ms. Kirkman, I will be your clinical instructor. Today we are going to talk about….” Limit the total time of your video to 6-10 minutes. You are the teacher explaining to your students how they will be evaluated during hospital clinical experiences (3-5 minutes) and simulation experiences (3-5 minutes). Begin by explaining the purpose of evaluation in clinical practice and what will be expected of them. For example, what learning outcomes or competencies will they be developing in each clinical setting? How will you be fair? How will you develop a supportive learning environment? How will you help to reduce their stress? What kind of feedback from the teacher can the students expect? How will you be using checklists? Discuss the clinical journal and the fact that the checklists will be located there and that you will be making notes about their performance and they will also be reflecting on their clinical performance. Explain to students what behaviors/competencies will expect of them in the first clinical experience and how they will be scored (the Chreighton videos will help you with this).
Upload the script to the Assignment Dropbox (below) for review by TURNITIN
Create the video from the script in the Discussion forum using the Canvas Studio video feature. (125 points). Only videos using CANVAS STUDIO will be accepted. If another video upload is submitted, a zero will be assigned. Instructions for using Canvas Studio may be accessed here Links to an external site.. Instructions for how to upload to a discussion can be accessed here Links to an external site..
Give and receive feedback to/from your peers. Ask questions, provide constructive criticism/substantive feedback to 3 peers. (15 points)
See rubric for grading details.
Total possible points=140 Points (125 points for script and video; 15 points for Feedback/Discussion)
Module 4 Clinical Evaluation
Module 4 Clinical Evaluation
Criteria Ratings Pts
Select one of the hospital clinical evaluation tools, and complete the Creighton Simulation Evaluation training and downloaded the tool. Create a script that clearly explains how students will be evaluated in the two settings, hospital and simulation clinical experiences. Start with a purpose and an objective. End with a summary. Limit the script for each clinical site to 6-10 minutes.
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50 pts
Clear, concise script for each setting. Addresses student concerns and has a purpose, at least one objective, and a summary. Video/Script is 6-10 min total.
25 pts
Minimal criteria met. Script does not address core competencies or student concerns. Purpose is present but not perfectly congruent with the objective(s) and summary. Video length is 4-6 min.
0 pts
Minimal criteria not met. Competencies not addressed. Student concerns not addressed. Video length under 4 minutes or over 10 min.
/ 50 pts
Each Script and video are organized, concise, and clearly explain the core competencies expected of students in the hospital setting. Good grammar. Professionalism displayed.Script is downloaded to the assignment dropbox and the video or narrated PP is shared with peers in the discussion forum.
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50 pts
Excellent explanation of hospital and simulation expectatons. Concise, organized. Professionalism exemplified. Sensitive to student anxiety about clinical experiences. Script(s) downloaded as one document in the dropbox. Video creaated and saved to the Discussion forum.
25 pts
Minimal requirements met for professionalism. Some disorganized content. Some grammatical erros. Script (s) downloaded. Video saved in Discussion.
0 pts
Minimal requirements were not met
/ 50 pts
Professionalism and use of technology/informatics. Developing a supportive clinical learning environment. Addressing student stress, feedback in clinical evaluation and principles of providing feedback as part of clinical evaluation demonstrated.
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25 pts
Exemplary professionalism and use of technology. Exemplary demonstration of support for students and how and when feedback will be provided.
13 pts
Minimal professionalism and use of technology. Minimal demonstrationof support for students and minimal discussion of how feedback will be provided in clinical evaluation.
0 pts
Less than minimal criterion met for professionalism and use of technology. Feedback was either missing or barely mentioned.
/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0
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