Based on your reading of Barth’s Dogmatics in Outline, pp. 35-49, explain in you

Based on your reading of Barth’s Dogmatics in Outline, pp. 35-49, explain in you

Based on your reading of Barth’s Dogmatics in Outline, pp. 35-49, explain in your own words (but with careful supporting evidence from the text!) the main skeleton of Barth’s doctrine of the Trinity. Be sure to address in your answer the following: 1) the source of our knowledge of the Trinity (cf. 38-41; do this very briefly!); 2) the key vocabulary that Barth uses to describe God’s nature and three “persons:” Father, Son and Holy Spirit (cf. 42-45); and finally, 3) what we come to know about the nature or essence of this triune God (cf. 39-41, 44-45).
1. Remember that we do NOT expect (and it is NOT possible) for you to cover everything Barth says in this text about the Trinity. Focus on what you think is the heart of his doctrine of the Trinity for this brief.
2. You are not required to follow the order of Barth’s presentation of the Trinity in Dogmatics in Outline or the three parts of the questions listed above. However, you may find it helpful to organize your brief in this way! again use your full TWO pages (ca. 500 words) for this brief, especially since this doctrine is complicated and Barth has especially much to say on it.