could you please just write a short reflection on what you thought of the lectur

could you please just write a short reflection on what you thought of the lectur

could you please just write a short reflection on what you thought of the lecture? You don’t have to answer anything specific. Your reflection could be about anything that stood out to you, that you liked, that you didn’t like, that you agreed with, that you disagreed with, that you were confused by, that you’re interested in, etc.



You will complete this assignment using the template provided. Delete current material from the template and replace with your own material. This assignment will prepare you for the Research Paper. It may also be used to begin to explore ideas or concepts you find interesting within the realm of the doctrines covered in this course.
You must use the Jerry Falwell Library Research Portal and identify 5 journal articles from peer-reviewed religious journals addressing your topic of interest. At least 3 of the 5 articles must be fewer than 10 years old. Each journal article must be at least 5 pages. Each reference must be cited in current Turabian format. The instructor’s approval of the topic choice will serve as the grade for this assignment unless otherwise noted.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Statement of Topic:
In 1 sentence, tell the reader the topic you are researching.
Bibliography Information for Resource #1:
Smith, Mark A. “Religion, Divorce, and the Missing Culture War in America.” Political Science Quarterly 125, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 57–85.
Brief statement regarding the author and his or her credentials as an authority:
The author, Mark A. Smith, is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Adjunct Professor of Communication at the University of Washington. His research generally consists of political waves in America but is not intended to influence the government. His intent is rather to educate cultural and political trends in America. His intended audience is working professionals in counseling and sociology.
A crisp statement regarding the relevance of this article for your topic:
This article compares the conservative and liberal arguments on how divorce has impacted American Christian families and the culture in which these families survive. This particular argument discusses how the church and Christians, as a whole, are responding to divorce and how the liberals are using this against the values of Christians and the families affected by divorce. This is relevant to my research as I am looking at the cause and effect divorce has on the family, church, and community. In order to do so, I am looking at the history of divorce and its dissolution over the past 100 years.
A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic:
Quote: “With the underlying causes affecting Christians and non-Christians alike, the national divorce rate reached nearly 20 percent by the 1920s as a rising wave of marital breakups moved over and around barriers built by religious institutions.”
Bibliography Information for Resource #2
Bray, Gerald L. The Doctrine of God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993.

Brief statement regarding the author and his or her credentials as an authority:
Gerald L. Bray, D.Litt. University of Paris-Sorbonne, is a professor of Divinity History and Doctrine at Beeson Divinity School in Alabama. In 2006, his position at the seminary became a research position where he focuses on research, writing, and speaking.
A crisp statement regarding the relevance of this article for your topic:
A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic:
Continue for Resources 3–5.

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions: • Listen to the Moral Apologeti

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions:

• Listen to the Moral Apologeti

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions:

• Listen to the Moral Apologetics Podcast: Interview of David Baggett on the topic of the Euthyphro Dilemma:

• Write a 600-word assessment of the interview in Turabian format using footnotes.
• Devote the first half of the assignment to summarizing the dilemma itself and explaining why it is considered a problem.
• Then, summarize and assess Baggett’s solution in the second half of the assignment.
• *You should read Plat’s Euthyphro before listening to the podcast.* Cite the podcast and Plato’s Euthyphro once in a footnote.

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions: • Listen to the Moral Apologeti

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions:

• Listen to the Moral Apologeti

Interview Assessment Assignment Instructions:

• Listen to the Moral Apologetics Podcast: Interview of David Baggett on the topic of the Euthyphro Dilemma:

• Write a 600-word assessment of the interview in Turabian format using footnotes.
• Devote the first half of the assignment to summarizing the dilemma itself and explaining why it is considered a problem.
• Then, summarize and assess Baggett’s solution in the second half of the assignment.
• *You should read Plat’s Euthyphro before listening to the podcast.* Cite the podcast and Plato’s Euthyphro once in a footnote.

• A final paper of 2000-3000 words, or the equivalent of 8-12 pages double space

• A final paper of 2000-3000 words, or the equivalent of 8-12 pages double space

• A final paper of 2000-3000 words, or the equivalent of 8-12 pages double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, with 1½ inch margin on the left, and 1 inch margins elsewhere. The term paper is to be uploaded by August 1 at 12:00pm PST, no exceptions. All papers should follow Turabian-Style Documentation format for footnotes, endnotes and bibliography, as explained in your prerequisite to this course, Introduction to Theological Research and Writing.

follow the instrtutions use the article as the source HIST 324/THEO 360—World C

follow the instrtutions use the article as the source HIST 324/THEO 360—World C

follow the instrtutions use the article as the source HIST 324/THEO 360—World Christianity since 1500
Winter 2024
Instructions for Reading Responses:
Since there is no textbook assigned for this course, this requirement is designed to broaden
your reading in the historiography and scholarship on the history of World Christianity. Every
week I will post on Moodle a scholarly article that supplements the topics we will cover in class.
On three occasions of your choosing during the semester you will submit written responses to
the reading. Your responses should be at least 750 words in length. Each response is worth 5%
of your final grade and will be graded on the Alpha scale.
After reading the article carefully, you should write a response to it, as follows:
• You should briefly summarize the article and its thesis: what is the author’s argument?
(approx. 250 words)
• You should reflect on the important connections between the article and our course by
relating it directly to the topics, events, issues, concepts we discuss in class (approx. 500
words). Be specific.
Note: These reading assignments have an expiry date—you have two weeks after the article is
posted to submit a response. You are not permitted to write on them after they have expired.
This is not an essay assignment, but your answers should be clear, well-organized, and
extraordinarily well-written. Remember that you need to cite all quotes, paraphrases, and
information from the article or other sources. You should format your references using the
Chicago Manual of Style “Notes and Bibliographies” citation system.