Overview: In this assignment forum, you will learn about the neurobiology of lan

In this assignment forum, you will learn about the neurobiology of lan

In this assignment forum, you will learn about the neurobiology of language and
language disorders, as well other some other neurological conditions and diseases.
From the following list, choose ONE topic that is the most interesting to you. If your final
project is on one of these topics, please choose a different topic.
• Aphasia (sub-types- Broca’s, Wernicke’s, global, conduction, sensory
transcortical, motor transcortical)
• Dyslexia
• Bilingualism or Multilingualism
• Alzheimer’s Disease
• Stroke
• Concussion
• Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Briefly summarize the topic, its characteristics, symptoms (if applicable), the brain
regions affected, and recommended treatments (if applicable). If you choose
Bilingualism or Multilingualism, obviously symptoms and treatments are not applicable.
Find a recent (last three years) research article on the neurobiology of this topic and
share the exciting new findings with your classmates. Summarize the study’s main
findings and their practical implications for informing understanding of the condition,
treatment, and/or further research. Include the link to the article and APA style