At three times during the semester, you are expected to write a brief reflection

At three times during the semester, you are expected to write a brief reflection

At three times during the semester, you are expected to write a brief reflection paper which requires you to take the perspectives of various individuals. You have the option to submit up to 3 reflection papers. The top 2 marks will be chosen for your grade. The reflection papers are due any time before their respective deadlines. That is, you do not have to write a reflection paper the same week as an exam. You can choose to do it beforehand.
You have to write one reflection paper
reflection paper 1 and in a word document.
Reflection 1 Topic Name is – Personality (Personality Disorder)
You are asked to write a brief reflection (approximately 500 words), written in prose (i.e., complete, grammatically correct, and polished sentences). In this reflection paper you need to address the following questions:
1. What do you think would be most difficult for individuals who experience this disorder?
Something that would have strengthened your paper is including more on the diagnostic criteria for personality, as well as share some examples on how it can differ between different people.
2. What do you think would be most difficult for the families and/or friends of an individual with this disorder?
Similarly, I would have loved to see you offer some thoughts on what the individual and their family/friends could do to address these issue. Should they become more educated on the topic? Is there treatment options for individuals with personality disorder?
3. What do you think is the most damaging stereotype, misconception, or misunderstanding of these types of disorders commonly held by the public?
Note: You are asked not to divulge any personal mental health information in these reflections. Rather, your aims should be to: 1) consider the spectrum of human experience and 2) reflect on the experiences of individuals who have faced severe challenges, along with their families and friends.
Grading Expectations
Each paper is marked out of 15 marks.
Paper addresses at least 3 of the specified questions (/3 marks)
Paper adheres to the length guidelines (i.e., between 350 and 650 words) (/1 mark)
Paper is well-written (e.g., free from grammatical errors, typos), well organized, coherent (/1 mark)
Engagement: For each question, the content clearly demonstrates the student’s engagement with the material and depth of consideration (e.g., an ability to adopt another frame of reference from one’s own in describing various perspectives of individuals involved) (/9 marks). *See more detail below.
9 – Outstanding
Exceptional understanding of the disorder that they are discussing (e.g., solid grasp of diagnostic criteria, as well as how it may present differently in different individuals, and how this may differ from similar disorders)
Goes outside of the textbook to gain further insight and information about the disorder
Demonstrates exceptional depth and insight in reflecting on the topic. Goes beyond diagnostic criteria and speaks to the complex difficulties that may be present, at an individual and systems level (e.g., inter-generational effects, barriers to accessing treatment)
Really gets “in the mind” of the individual or family member (or both), and conveys an exceptional level of compassion, empathy, and awareness in doing so. Able to separate their own ideas from those of the individual for the purposes of the reflection.
Uses person-centred and dignified language when speaking about individuals impacted by the disorder
Considers the complexities of each individual when reflecting on this material (e.g., not all people with social anxiety are introverts)
In speaking about “what society can do”, student moves beyond themes of education and raising awareness
Suggestion given by mam. Both of these below suggestion have to be followed
This should be focused more and more as mam has suggested to strength
Something that would have strengthened your paper is including more on the diagnostic criteria for personality, as well as share some examples on how it can differ between different people.
Similarly, I would have loved to see you offer some thoughts on what the individual and their family/friends could do to address these issue. Should they become more educated on the topic? Is there treatment options for individuals with personality disorder?

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, sha

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, sha

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, share with your classmates the biblical principle or Scripture passage that has made a positive impact in your life/marriage.
Scripture Passage Choice: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
Meaning: This verse epitomizes the true nature of love – patient, kind, and devoid of ego. It’s a call to cherish a love that rejoices in truth, endures through challenges, and is forgiving.
There should be 3 references: The Bible (NIV version), and 2 books (chapters of both books have been uploaded to read to reference this assignment). Class notes have been uploaded as well.
Thank you!

After reading the assigned article (a few times), you are expected to write a re

After reading the assigned article (a few times), you are expected to write a re

After reading the assigned article (a few times), you are expected to write a review of the article (3-4 pages). The paper should be organized according to the following questions:
1) What was the author’s purpose for conducting the study (rational)? What did they investigate?
2) Briefly explain the study reported in the article (e.g., number of experimental groups, activities, number of times well-being was assessed, etc.)
3) What were the findings of the study? How did the authors explain their findings? What are the implications of the findings for future research on happiness? I do not want you copy-paste the results. You are expected to present the important findings of the study in your own words. (at least one page)- NO quote statistics!
4) What is the significance of this study?
a) What does this study contribute to our understanding of happiness interventions? (at least half a page)
b) How does this study add to your own personal understanding? What did you learn? (at least half a page)
Times New Roman 12-point font, left aligned, & double-spaced.

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this di

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this di

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this disorder or significant signs and symptoms of this disorder. Describe the client (EX-Sarah is a 55-year-old married mother of three adult children. She’s been married for 20 years and is a practicing Catholic who is active in her church. She works part-time at a local women’s clothing store.)
Provide the following information:
1) Explain the signs and symptoms being exhibited and rate them according to the 4 Ds of psychological abnormality.
2) Recommend two (2) treatment options (examples: type of therapy, medications, life changes, etc.)
3) Justification- explain and justify your choice of treatments.
4) Potential challenges- identify and discuss potential challenges or barriers that the client might encounter during treatment. How can these challenges be addressed to ensure continuity and success in treatment?
5) Ethical considerations- consider ethical considerations in the treatment process, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and the duty to warn in cases where self-harm or harm to others is a concern.
6) Potential Outcomes- what do you think the potential outcomes are for this individual?

False Confessions

In proper essay format, please answer the following questions related to this week’s material and the videos in Week 9:
1. Why would anyone confess to a crime they didn’t commit?
2. How is “the system” flawed and intentionally facilitates a false confession from an innocent person? Please provide details discussed in the video pertaining to the Labato and Descovik cases in the case study video? What were some of the techniques used in interrogations to facilitate false confessions, and how do the biological and psychological stress factors influence the likelihood of a person making a false confession.
3. What are some things that can be changed in the system, or in the education of the general public, that could help minimize the coercion of a false confession?
This is a standard academic essay, 3-5 paragraphs double-spaced (a page to a page and a half). Follow the format for written assignments found in Modules-Course Information. Make sure to cite sources with proper APA in-text and full works cited references. Make sure to have a separate reference/works cited page at the end of the essay.

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, det

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, det

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with sources cited and referenced accurately.
Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:
Use standard alphanumeric outline format
Include your thesis at the top of the page before you start your outline
Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources
Include an APA formatted reference page
Include a title page
Use current APA Style throughout
I have attached my outline, along with professors comments on what to change

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, det

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, det

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with sources cited and referenced accurately.
Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:
Use standard alphanumeric outline format
Include your thesis at the top of the page before you start your outline
Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources
Include an APA formatted reference page
Include a title page
Use current APA Style throughout
I have attached my outline, along with professors comments on what to change

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, sha

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, sha

Intimacy clearly has a positive effect on your whole marriage. In this post, share with your classmates the biblical principle or Scripture passage that has made a positive impact in your life/marriage.
Scripture Passage Choice: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
Meaning: This verse epitomizes the true nature of love – patient, kind, and devoid of ego. It’s a call to cherish a love that rejoices in truth, endures through challenges, and is forgiving.
There should be 3 references: The Bible (NIV version), and 2 books (chapters of both books have been uploaded to read to reference this assignment). Class notes have been uploaded as well.
Thank you!

False Confessions

In proper essay format, please answer the following questions related to this week’s material and the videos in Week 9:
1. Why would anyone confess to a crime they didn’t commit?
2. How is “the system” flawed and intentionally facilitates a false confession from an innocent person? Please provide details discussed in the video pertaining to the Labato and Descovik cases in the case study video? What were some of the techniques used in interrogations to facilitate false confessions, and how do the biological and psychological stress factors influence the likelihood of a person making a false confession.
3. What are some things that can be changed in the system, or in the education of the general public, that could help minimize the coercion of a false confession?
This is a standard academic essay, 3-5 paragraphs double-spaced (a page to a page and a half). Follow the format for written assignments found in Modules-Course Information. Make sure to cite sources with proper APA in-text and full works cited references. Make sure to have a separate reference/works cited page at the end of the essay.

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this di

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this di

Find a case study of a real person or fictional character that possesses this disorder or significant signs and symptoms of this disorder. Describe the client (EX-Sarah is a 55-year-old married mother of three adult children. She’s been married for 20 years and is a practicing Catholic who is active in her church. She works part-time at a local women’s clothing store.)
Provide the following information:
1) Explain the signs and symptoms being exhibited and rate them according to the 4 Ds of psychological abnormality.
2) Recommend two (2) treatment options (examples: type of therapy, medications, life changes, etc.)
3) Justification- explain and justify your choice of treatments.
4) Potential challenges- identify and discuss potential challenges or barriers that the client might encounter during treatment. How can these challenges be addressed to ensure continuity and success in treatment?
5) Ethical considerations- consider ethical considerations in the treatment process, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and the duty to warn in cases where self-harm or harm to others is a concern.
6) Potential Outcomes- what do you think the potential outcomes are for this individual?