Fix wriiten complaint Right to Appeal Dear Mrs. Livingston I am the Father of Lo

Fix wriiten complaint
Right to Appeal
Dear Mrs. Livingston
I am the Father of Lo

Fix wriiten complaint
Right to Appeal
Dear Mrs. Livingston
I am the Father of London Sinsmyr and I am writing on her behalf. On 2/12/2024
London Sinsmyr was improperly suspended for a dress code violation. I was contacted and made aware of her suspension by her mother. Then I contacted the behavior specialist and she included me on why the suspension was taking place and I explained to her from the parent perspective on why this was an ongoing action, and confidence in London Sinsmyr behavior. With that said, she was very compassionate and understanding of why the ongoing situation transpiry in that matter. She explained her next step: she will reach out to the administrator to explain the matter and see if she can take back the suspension then she will also have a sit down with London Sinsmyr to guide her on behavior, because ultimately she understood the situation after our verbal communication. I also explained to her I will do my counterpart and sit down with my daughter also. Am satisfied, case closed. At least I thought. However, I get a call 30 minutes later from the assistant sixth grade principal Mrs Potier stating to me that the suspension will stand. She will not rescind the suspension due to the fact she had several talks with London. I also explained the same matter but she did not care. She enforces her power. Upon exiting the call I asked, you still want to suspend London for a dress code violation even though the parents were never Notified she stated Yes! Therefore, she did not follow correct protocol of procedures from the discipline matrix which bring to my concern, is there a personal issue with my London Sinsmyr.
Discipline Matrix under dress code for the sequence of consequences:
First offense: parent conference/contact and verbal warning (A, M)
Second offense: parent conference/contact and loss of extracurricular activities (A, Y)
Third offense: parent conference/contact, in school suspension, and loss of extracurricular activities (A, X)
Parent contact/conference is required for each offense. If this is her first offense, she should have a verbal warning. When she received the verbal warning, he should’ve been contacted by the school.
Afterward, I ask for the Principle She gave me the email with confidence. Which brought to my concern, if there is a friendship with assistant principal Mrs. Poiter and the Principal Mrs Livingston. I would like to request whatever action Mrs. Livingston decided be follow up with be reviewed by the assistant director Mrs. Michelle Stein. With no disrespect to Mrs Livingston I would Like to take precautionary transparency steps to make sure this matter is handled properly and my daughter will not be targeted or neglected. I am disappointed in good faith, I believe those in positions of leadership will make efforts to follow policy and be fair. I could not reach Mrs. Livingston therefore I had to spend time on Learning who to contact from Mrs, Michelle stein, to Dr. Jermaine Fleming all the way to Tallahassee. Plus going over the matrix learning the dress code requirement all because the assistant principal was not understanding and did not want to follow the order of protocols policy. Maintaining a safe and secure learning environment is our highest priority. London education was not prioritized to her and now she did not get to attend her honor roll but instead wanted to prove a personal point to a child. If her action was valid I would like a full explanation, and learn why from her superior so that I can understand why this behavior from Mrs Poiter is acceptable? I do not agree nor now do I believe in Mrs. Poiter’s judgment decision, and anything that is a nonviolent act that results in a student being suspended should include another set of leadership eye’s In agreement with her decision. The same way a parent can not just reach the superintendent Mr. Fleming with out first going through the process of protocol. Mrs. Poiter also should have given London Sinsmyr that opportunity accordingly, instead she decided to use her position of leadership to override those efforts. Mrs. Poiter stated that she spoke with London several times but not once reached out to the parents so, there could be appropriate measures taken instead decided to suspend her the day we were actually contacted unprofessionally. It’s a nonviolent case.
I believe the suspension should be appeal base on grounds
Mrs. Poiter did not follow the discipline Matrix; she neglected to follow up with parents.
My daughter is being harassed evidence she had several encounter speaking to London on multiple occasions and never once reached out to the parents.
Bully of authority In my opinion I believe the behavior specialist had done her job well from the conversation taking place and effort to want to help London make progress on behavior for a dress violation was fair once the parents was notify and she did state she will try to take back the suspension. However, it was overruled. Abuse of power the behavior specialist did her job. Why belittle her voice when she made an appropriate judgment call.
Pompano Middle should not want to build a reputation for suspending a 6 grader girl for a dress code violation without first contacting parents. That’s a bit extreme. Her position is to guide influence in leadership role and not be afraid of.