Answer questions in 55 words. 1)Types of Groups. Explain the concept of group co

Answer questions in 55 words.
1)Types of Groups.
Explain the concept of group co

Answer questions in 55 words.
1)Types of Groups.
Explain the concept of group cohesion. Discuss at least two strategies a social worker could implement to form a cohesive group.
2)Leadership and Group Dynamics.
Explain at least one advantage and one disadvantage of having a group co-leader. Would you prefer to lead independently or have a co-leader? Why or why not?
3)Group Dynamics.
Describe at least one negative effect of a competitive group member. Are there any situations in which competition is beneficial? Explain your stance.
4)Groups and Conflict.
Discuss at least two barriers to effective problem-solving. How would you remove these barriers?
5)Diversity in Groups.
Consider the concept of stereotyping. What population would you like to work with and what stereotypes exist about this group? How should a social worker address stereotypes in the group setting?
Comments from Customer
Discipline: Social Work

In this assignment you will be given a case study in which you will be expected

In this assignment you will be given a case study in which you will be expected

In this assignment you will be given a case study in which you will be expected to use a theoretical framework to help you understand and conceptualize the case. The goal of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to practice treatment planning, learn practice behaviors, and utilize theoretical frameworks that promote client well-being. The assignment will guide students in advanced clinical practice to better understand the critical thinking process of moving from facts to conceptualization to practice research and intervention.
Students are to identify, critically evaluate, select, and apply evidence-based change strategies across the stages of clinical practice.
AS Instructions: The paper should be written in 3rd person (as the clinician), and use a font Times New Romans Font 12 pt. Appropriate headings and sub-headings need to be used. It may be written double space for this assignment. There are no re-writes. Students should use 4-6 scholarly sources for this paper.
Case Analysis: The Richards Family
The Richards family includes Amanda, age 9; Leonard, age 14; Linda, age 46; and Fred, age 50. Linda’s father, Edward, age 72, has been living with the Richards family since his wife, Marie, died two years ago. Edward and Marie were married for 50 years and had three children: Linda, age 46; Joan, age 44; and Peter, age 40.
Fred’s dad, John, age 84, currently lives in an assisted living facility near the Richards’ family home. Fred’s mother, Elizabeth, age 80, has Alzheimer’s disease and lives in a nursing home. Fred has a sister, Rita, age 59, who has always lived alone. Amanda is Linda’s niece; Joan, Linda’s sister, was her mother.
Joan and her husband, Frank, were murdered when Amanda was 3 years old. They were apparently involved with a street gang in a different city. The murders were thought to be related to drug dealing. Amanda has been living with the Richards family since the death of her parents.
Leonard is Fred and Linda’s son. Fred and Linda have been married for 15 years. Fred has two other children from a previous marriage: Jim, age 24, and Jill, age 20. Both have been living with their mother, Susan, age 45, who is now remarried to John, age 48. Their family lives in a different state than the Richards family does.
Presenting Problems Amanda was referred to your agency by her school social worker. The social worker reports that in the last 3 months, Amanda has been having behavioral problems. She often has temper tantrums in the classroom and with her peers. She is often absent from school. Whenever she gets angry, she threatens to run away or to tell her aunt how badly her teachers treat her. Leonard is being referred to your agency by his DFC caseworker. The presenting problem is that Leonard, reportedly, was sexually abused by his stepbrother, Jim, several years ago when Jim was visiting the Richards family. Fred was referred to your agency by his attorney. Approximately two weeks ago, Fred was arrested while operating his vehicle under the influence of alcohol. This is the third time that Fred has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence. Linda is not currently employed outside of the home. She was recently laid off from her position as an administrative assistant due to major cutbacks in the company that she formerly worked for. The Richards family has moved several times in the past five years due to various financial difficulties. Linda does not report having any problems.
Utilizing the above case, students are asked to respond to the following questions about Amanda:
1. What are the important, relevant facts within this case?
2. What are your hypotheses about the client situation?
3. What does the research say about this kind of client problem, diagnosis or situation?
4. What theoretical framework are you using to organize your knowledge?
5. Given the research and the theoretical framework, discuss your case formulation.
6. What social work values were used to inform your case formulation?
7. What, if any, personal values/bias impacted on your formulation of the case?
8. What intervention strategies are suggested by the case formulation? Do any of these have an evidence-base?
9. How can you apply NASW standards for diversity to this case?

Assignment Overview If you want to accomplish your goals, you need to create a s

Assignment Overview
If you want to accomplish your goals, you need to create a s

Assignment Overview
If you want to accomplish your goals, you need to create a step by step action plan to achieve them. We don’t want you to make the mistake of creating goals without making an action plan to achieve them. Wanting something does not a plan make.
What is an action plan?
An action plan is the step-by-step method that you will use to reach your goal. It’s like a plan of attack. It’s a way to break up huge, overwhelming tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. If you’re overwhelmed by the amount of work your goal will take, an action plan will make it feel achievable.
Why do I need an action plan?
Creating action plans is an important step in reaching your goals. Usually, students have vague goal ideas floating around in their heads until they forgot about them or just create a new one (which can go on and on providing no real direction for accomplishing anything; flying by the seat of their pants). Breaking your goals down into an action plan will help you get more done and generally feel more on top of your life. Also, it’s rewarding to feel like you’re making progress even if you haven’t achieved the end goal yet.
Follow the steps below to create a detailed action plan based on the goal you set on Discussion Board Question: Goal Setting. Make sure you follow and label all the steps below; identify each step in your completed assignment.
This assignment will require you to do some research.
Write your SMART Goal (This should have been completed in your Discussion Board Question: Planning for Your Future; see examples within Module 1).
Set a deadline for your goal. Be realistic with your time frame, but challenge yourself to get it done sooner rather than later. In most cases, you’ll only need to make sure that the date in step 1 is realistic, then write it again here.
Write your reason for pursuing this goal. Your ‘why’ is important for helping you identify the positive impact this goal will have on your life.
Identify a daily or weekly habit that will keep you on track with your goal. For example, keeping your phone in airplane mode while you study. Habits are the framework for success, so it’s important to align your habits with your goals.
Do some research. Your research may involve looking online, going to the library, talking to your Academic or Faculty Advisor, perusing the website of your career field’s national organization(s), or speaking with people who have prior knowledge or experience with your end goal. You need to find out exactly what it’s going to take to accomplish your goal. Explain what you’ve researched in your submission.
List every single step that needs to happen to achieve this goal. What does it take to accomplish your goal? How will you get from point A to point Z? These are also called ‘short-term goals’.
Review your list of action steps (in step 6) and order them in a way that makes sense based on what needs to happen first. Next to each step, identify every resource you currently have and those you will need to complete your steps (this takes a little foresight and/or help from someone with some wisdom and experience).
Identify smaller tasks. For each action step you’ve identified, ask yourself what smaller tasks need to get done to make the larger action step easier for you. Break down the steps even further to achieve your goal down into the smallest steps possible. If there is more than one action to take for each step, continue to break it down until there is only one thing to do for each action step. Once you’ve done that, if you’re comfortable doing so, you can then condense/group your list into several action steps (depending on the magnitude of your goal). For example, if you need to register for classes, you may also need to review your program requirements, check your transcript for those classes you’ve already taken, schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor, attend that appointment, etc.
Set the due dates. Create a weekly/monthly list of actions that you will accomplish/complete each week/month to reach your goal. Set a start date and end date for each action step and smaller tasks. Make the due dates attainable based on the factors needed for its completion, so you don’t lose faith and give up. Add them to your calendar or to-do list.
Set reminders and post your plan. Set up reminders on your phone or computer so that you always know when to work on each action step or habit. Post your plan somewhere you will see it daily (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, dashboard, wallet, cell phone or computer screen saver, etc.). Review your goals every morning or week as part of your routine. Focus on completing the goal action plan each day, week, and month to make your goal, or dream, a reality. Explain where you posted your plan and where/how you set reminders. Use pictures if you choose.
Identify each step in your answers. Your answers need to be detailed.
Submit the assignment using the provided template
Ensure your assignment contains proper grammar and is free of spelling errors.
My Advice
Do not procrastinate! Procrastination is working on another task that you need/want to accomplish (usually something more fun/interesting or easy) instead of completing the necessary action steps to achieve your high priority goal. Procrastination can fool you into thinking that you are being productive. Unfortunately, any form of or procrastination, no matter how productive, will steal your focus and keep you from reaching your goals.
Take responsibility for your own actions. You have an obligation to yourself, so commit to yourself and your future. Don’t blame others for holding you back or delaying your success. Work on being consistent with your actions and putting effort into your goals day in and day out.
Don’t give up on achieving your goals just because you fall behind in completing them. Instead, rework them each month to keep yourself on track to accomplish your goals. If you get off track, pick up and keep going. There’s no point using up your energy by worrying about how far behind you are. You might have to adjust some deadlines here and there (or completely), and that’s okay. Keep your vision for your future top of mind, and you’ll find a way to get there. You are resilient!
The reward component is a MUST! It should be Step 11 on your Action Plan assignment. If you want, for an additional 2-points, you can add a blurb about how you plan to celebrate the achievement of your goal
Links to an external site.. This extra credit is not on the assignment itself because I want to see who’s reading 🙂
Comments from Customer
The goal is Social Service working with children.
also it need to be 10 steps
I need to be able to add this to our Discussion board Discipline: Pas 1000 first yearr experience
Your Name
PAS 1000
Action Plan
SMART GOAL: I will graduate with Honors from Prince George’s Community College
with an Associate of Arts in Teaching and a 3.75 GPA by May 2023.
The deadline for me to achieve my SMART goal is May 2023.
I am pursuing this goal because

Instructions 1. Watch this video about the Cultural Formulation Interview. https

1. Watch this video about the Cultural Formulation Interview. https

1. Watch this video about the Cultural Formulation Interview.
2. Review the Core CFI.
3. Watch this brief example: Using the Cultural Formulation Interview.
4. Here is a full session if you have time to watch: Demonstration of Cultural Formulation Interview.
5. Discuss with your field educator. Have they employed this as part of the assessment process? Are they capturing this information in another way? What barriers do they see to employing this practice? Is there an opportunity for you to try out this process as you finish up the program?
6. Share your reflection on all of this content as well as your discussion with your field educator. Share how the concept of intersectionality (discussed in module 1) is related to this instrument.

Readings: CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world sec

CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world sec

CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world second edition.
Please only use this textbook and the readings listed for homework assignment do not use outside sources will not get credit
Sloan et al, chapter 3 and 4
Jeffrey, Nancy (2013). Becoming Nikki, Available at:,,20712691,00.html
Jelin, Elizabeth/Motta, Renata/Costa, Sérgio (2017): Global Entangled Inequalities. London/New York: Routledge (Introduction).
Santos, F. 2022. Bridging Fluid Borders: Entanglements in the French-Brazilian Borderland. Routledge. New York, P. 1-23
Homework questions completed and posted to Blackboard before class.
Based on your readings of Jelin, Elizabeth/Motta, Renata/Costa, Sérgio (2017): Global Entangled Inequalities. London/New York: Routledge (Introduction) and Santos, F. 2022. Bridging Fluid Borders: Entanglements in the French-Brazilian Borderland. Routledge. New York, P. 1-23, which concept feels more helpful entanglement or intersectionality and why?
Which concept – entanglement or intersectionality – helps you make sense of the world and why?
How might you build from your own strengths to build bridges?
What is the social construction of race?
What about gender?
Has privilege and oppression of groups based on race changed over race, ethnicity, color, caste, tribe and/or nationality changed over time and in what ways?
What are the economic impacts of these dynamics?
What laws support the categorization and privileging and oppression of different groups based on race, class, national origin or gender?
What are some of your contradictions? Are there multitudes? Can they be contained? How do they intersect?
Discuss the significance of the title of the poem “Between the World and Me” by Richard Wright, and discuss its influence on contemporary writers?
Between the World and Me
by Richard Wright
And one morning while in the woods I stumbled
suddenly upon the thing,
Stumbled upon it in a grassy clearing guarded by scaly
oaks and elms
And the sooty details of the scene rose, thrusting
themselves between the world and me….
There was a design of white bones slumbering forgottenly
upon a cushion of ashes.
There was a charred stump of a sapling pointing a blunt
finger accusingly at the sky.
There were torn tree limbs, tiny veins of burnt leaves, and
a scorched coil of greasy hemp;
A vacant shoe, an empty tie, a ripped shirt, a lonely hat,
and a pair of trousers stiff with black blood.
And upon the trampled grass were buttons, dead matches,
butt-ends of cigars and cigarettes, peanut shells, a
drained gin-flask, and a whore’s lipstick;
Scattered traces of tar, restless arrays of feathers, and the
lingering smell of gasoline.
And through the morning air the sun poured yellow
surprise into the eye sockets of the stony skull….
And while I stood my mind was frozen within cold pity
for the life that was gone.
The ground gripped my feet and my heart was circled by
icy walls of fear–
The sun died in the sky; a night wind muttered in the
grass and fumbled the leaves in the trees; the woods
poured forth the hungry yelping of hounds; the
darkness screamed with thirsty voices; and the witnesses rose and lived:
The dry bones stirred, rattled, lifted, melting themselves
into my bones.
The grey ashes formed flesh firm and black, entering into
my flesh.
The gin-flask passed from mouth to mouth, cigars and
cigarettes glowed, the whore smeared lipstick red
upon her lips,
And a thousand faces swirled around me, clamoring that
my life be burned….
And then they had me, stripped me, battering my teeth
into my throat till I swallowed my own blood.
My voice was drowned in the roar of their voices, and my
black wet body slipped and rolled in their hands as
they bound me to the sapling.
And my skin clung to the bubbling hot tar, falling from
me in limp patches.
And the down and quills of the white feathers sank into
my raw flesh, and I moaned in my agony.
Then my blood was cooled mercifully, cooled by a
baptism of gasoline.
And in a blaze of red I leaped to the sky as pain rose like water, boiling my limbs
Panting, begging I clutched childlike, clutched to the hot
sides of death.
Now I am dry bones and my face a stony skull staring in
yellow surprise at the sun….

Readings: CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world sec

CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world sec

CRITICAL multiculturalism and intersectionality in a complex world second edition.
Please only use this textbook and the readings listed for homework assignment do not use outside sources will not get credit
Sloan et al, chapter 3 and 4
Jeffrey, Nancy (2013). Becoming Nikki, Available at:,,20712691,00.html
Jelin, Elizabeth/Motta, Renata/Costa, Sérgio (2017): Global Entangled Inequalities. London/New York: Routledge (Introduction).
Santos, F. 2022. Bridging Fluid Borders: Entanglements in the French-Brazilian Borderland. Routledge. New York, P. 1-23
Homework questions completed and posted to Blackboard before class.
Based on your readings of Jelin, Elizabeth/Motta, Renata/Costa, Sérgio (2017): Global Entangled Inequalities. London/New York: Routledge (Introduction) and Santos, F. 2022. Bridging Fluid Borders: Entanglements in the French-Brazilian Borderland. Routledge. New York, P. 1-23, which concept feels more helpful entanglement or intersectionality and why?
Which concept – entanglement or intersectionality – helps you make sense of the world and why?
How might you build from your own strengths to build bridges?
What is the social construction of race?
What about gender?
Has privilege and oppression of groups based on race changed over race, ethnicity, color, caste, tribe and/or nationality changed over time and in what ways?
What are the economic impacts of these dynamics?
What laws support the categorization and privileging and oppression of different groups based on race, class, national origin or gender?
What are some of your contradictions? Are there multitudes? Can they be contained? How do they intersect?
Discuss the significance of the title of the poem “Between the World and Me” by Richard Wright, and discuss its influence on contemporary writers?
Between the World and Me
by Richard Wright
And one morning while in the woods I stumbled
suddenly upon the thing,
Stumbled upon it in a grassy clearing guarded by scaly
oaks and elms
And the sooty details of the scene rose, thrusting
themselves between the world and me….
There was a design of white bones slumbering forgottenly
upon a cushion of ashes.
There was a charred stump of a sapling pointing a blunt
finger accusingly at the sky.
There were torn tree limbs, tiny veins of burnt leaves, and
a scorched coil of greasy hemp;
A vacant shoe, an empty tie, a ripped shirt, a lonely hat,
and a pair of trousers stiff with black blood.
And upon the trampled grass were buttons, dead matches,
butt-ends of cigars and cigarettes, peanut shells, a
drained gin-flask, and a whore’s lipstick;
Scattered traces of tar, restless arrays of feathers, and the
lingering smell of gasoline.
And through the morning air the sun poured yellow
surprise into the eye sockets of the stony skull….
And while I stood my mind was frozen within cold pity
for the life that was gone.
The ground gripped my feet and my heart was circled by
icy walls of fear–
The sun died in the sky; a night wind muttered in the
grass and fumbled the leaves in the trees; the woods
poured forth the hungry yelping of hounds; the
darkness screamed with thirsty voices; and the witnesses rose and lived:
The dry bones stirred, rattled, lifted, melting themselves
into my bones.
The grey ashes formed flesh firm and black, entering into
my flesh.
The gin-flask passed from mouth to mouth, cigars and
cigarettes glowed, the whore smeared lipstick red
upon her lips,
And a thousand faces swirled around me, clamoring that
my life be burned….
And then they had me, stripped me, battering my teeth
into my throat till I swallowed my own blood.
My voice was drowned in the roar of their voices, and my
black wet body slipped and rolled in their hands as
they bound me to the sapling.
And my skin clung to the bubbling hot tar, falling from
me in limp patches.
And the down and quills of the white feathers sank into
my raw flesh, and I moaned in my agony.
Then my blood was cooled mercifully, cooled by a
baptism of gasoline.
And in a blaze of red I leaped to the sky as pain rose like water, boiling my limbs
Panting, begging I clutched childlike, clutched to the hot
sides of death.
Now I am dry bones and my face a stony skull staring in
yellow surprise at the sun….

Make the revisions to the Week 3 assignment that were recommended by your instru

Make the revisions to the Week 3 assignment that were recommended by your instru

Make the revisions to the Week 3 assignment that were recommended by your instructor. Build this assignment onto the revised Week 3 assignment as if you were adding new information to the client’s electronic health record.
Competency 7: Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Conduct a differential diagnosis by evaluating at least three potential diagnoses for the client. Refer to the DSM-5-TR to explain the diagnosis that is most fitting for the client. Justify your decision by linking the client’s presenting symptoms with the diagnostic criteria. Explain the diagnosis or diagnoses you chose to rule out, and why. (C7.SP.B)
Apply leadership skills, decision-making, and emerging technologies to describe the diagnostic tool or tools you would use to assist with formulating the diagnosis. Apply research to explain why this tool is an appropriate method of assessment. (C7.SP.C)
Competency 3: Engage Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in Practice
Demonstrate self-awareness, cultural humility, and leadership skills by reflecting on your own bias, power, privilege, and belief system. Explain how you will practice self-regulation to manage these factors. (C3.SP.B)
Competency 6: Engage With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Evaluate the client’s diversity needs. Apply leadership, empathy, interpersonal skills, emerging technologies, and self-reflection to explain culturally responsive engagement strategies. For example, what does research tell us about the specific cultural needs the client may have in a mental health setting? How will you engage the client to encourage their continued treatment? How could you use technology as an aid? (C6.SP.B)
Competency 8: Intervene With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Research, analyze and apply a mental health theory from your readings to the case (such as but not limited to cognitive, solution-focused, object relations, narrative, behavioral, or self-psychology). The mental health theory you choose should be relevant to address the client’s diagnosis and psychosocial issues. (C8.SP.B)
Describe an intervention appropriate for the client’s family or community. Apply theory to contextualize the appropriateness of your chosen intervention. (C8.SP.B)

Answer each quest with 5 sentence This exam covers topics from weeks one to five

Answer each quest with 5 sentence
This exam covers topics from weeks one to five

Answer each quest with 5 sentence
This exam covers topics from weeks one to five of this course. This quiz includes five short-essay-style questions, worth three points each. Student answers should not exceed five sentences in length. Please be concise and clear in your writing. All essay-style exams are open-book and you will have one week to complete them. Please paraphrase information from the readings and lectures and cite where the information came from. In other words, do not overuse quotations in composing your answers.
1. As discussed in Goodley et al. (2019) – Provocations for Critical Disability Studies and Week 1 – Videos 5 and 6, define critical disability studies AND describe a major difference between critical disability studies and disability studies.
2. As discussed in Kendi’s (2021) podcast on Ableism & Racism: Roots of the Same Tree and Week 2 – Video 2 – Definitions of Ableism, describe the importance of adopting an intersectional understanding of ableism as a social work practitioner.
3. As discussed in Evans et al. (2017) – Disability Models and Week 2 – Video 4 – Disability Models, provide a definition of the social model of disability AND describe both a major strength AND limitation of this disability model.
4. As discussed in Sins Invalid (2019) – Skin, Tooth, and Bone and Week 4 – Videos 2 and 3, provide a definition of Disability Justice as a social movement AND describe two of its strengths in comparison to the Disability Rights movement.
5. As discussed in Schrader et al. (2013) and Week 5 – Videos 2 and 3, describe the characteristics and dimensions of Mad Identity, including its importance to anti-oppressive social work practice with psychiatric consumers and survivors.