Write 500 words APA FORMAT: take some time to process the information using the

Write 500 words APA FORMAT: take some time to process the information using the

Write 500 words APA FORMAT: take some time to process the information using the following prompts. You can choose to reflect on prompts under Option A OR Option B.  Then share your reflections via a reflection log.  Option A: The Power of Discourse Make some time to reflect on the power of discourse in the context of your own social work practice.  * Where do you see language taking on particular power to name a client or frame a problem? * Where might forms of professional language have the power to exclude service users from the conversation? * Where do you see examples of inclusive language? * Is language used in shorthand ways that reduce people to labels? * How does the particular language used to name an issue or problem shape the social work response? General expectations:  Use informal but professional language just like you would if you were chatting face-to-face. Remember to de-identify individual and agency identification when giving examples. Remember to cite source material. If it’s a source from the course, just use an in-text citation. If it’s an outside source, also provide a link or reference citation. During week when there are five or more assigned resources. Students are expected to integrate at least four assigned resources. Strive for meaningful interaction with class members. Think critically; demonstrate reflective listening/reading/engagement skills; ask clarifying questions; disagree; challenge each other to consider alternative points of view; empathize and validate emotions. Hone your interpersonal communication skills. Have a conversation.   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k0ieCAUWGnM Freire, P. (1970). Chapter 1: in Pedagogy of the Oppressed