read up on Somatic and Related Disorders, pages 349-370. Then provide a discussi

read up on Somatic and Related Disorders, pages 349-370. Then provide a discussi

read up on Somatic and Related Disorders, pages 349-370. Then provide a discussion post about what you read. Lastly, Submit a brief synopsis of your diagnosis (approx. 100 words). example will be listed below : example for the synopsis: TaeTreonia Smith Diagnosis: F43.10 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Jessica has a history of repeated sexual abuse perpetrated by her grandfather (A1). Jessica has experienced flashbacks to the abuse she endured from her grandfather(B3) Jessica meets one of the necessary criteria for persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic events (C2). Jessica has experienced negative alterations, in cognition by blaming herself, has become more withdrawn from family and friends, and is very irritable(D3,6,7). Jessica became very angry and threatened to hurt Emma and has engaged in self-destruction by self-harming (E1,2). Jessica has been experiencing these symptoms for approximately one year(F). Jessica’s symptoms are hurting her social and educational functioning (G). Jessica does not present with any psychological effects in substance or medical conditions(H). Jessica does not currently present Dissociative symptoms or delayed expressions.