Do some research to find a celebration, a holiday or a festival specific to a Sp

Do some research to find a celebration, a holiday or a festival specific to a Sp

Do some research to find a celebration, a holiday or a festival specific to a Spanish-speaking country (can be religious or non-religious). Select one and then review the following questions:
What is the name of the celebration, holiday or festival, and in which country/region is it celebrated?
What is its purpose?
What is its cultural and/or historical and/or religious significance?
How is this event is observed?
Now create an infographic that illustrates the answers to the questions above. Use the vocabulary presented at the beginning of Lección 7 to complete this assignment. You may also include terms that are not included in Lección 7 if necessary, referring to the online bilingual dictionary to an external site.) if you so choose. You may use a mixture of English and Spanish but keep in mind that infographics should have MINIMAL text.
For this assignment you may useEasel.lyLinks to an external site. or CanvaLinks to an external site. (free sites) or any other program to create an infographic, which is ” a chart, diagram, or illustration (as in a book or magazine, or on a website) that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking way” (from www.Merriam-Webster.comLinks to an external site.) To see some examples, click hereLinks to an external site.. Whatever you use, your submission must be viewable without requiring downloading. If I have to download it you will receive a grade of zero. Sorry but I have over 100 students in my four classes and downloading takes too much time and could cause virus problems for me. Thanks for your understanding.