Directions: For this paper, you will need to pick an area of inequality that wo

For this paper, you will need to pick an area of inequality that wo

For this paper, you will need to pick an area of inequality that women OR gender/sexuality minorities face in society today. For example, the gender pay gap, misrepresentation in the media, double standards in family life, linguistic sexism, the second shift, etc. If you need any help picking a topic, please feel free to email me.
Your goals are to conduct research to:
Examine why women or gender/sexuality minorities face this type of inequality today.
Provide REAL resources for those who are facing this inequality.
This is not a personal experience or opinion paper. This is a research paper and all sources must be cited. All information/facts should from your sources but need to be stated in your own words. Only use a small amount of quoting. You can also use headings/titles to help organize your paper. Below are the requirements for each section of your paper:
Part 1-Substantiate why your topic perpetuates inequality today.
Introduction/Thesis statement: (2.5 points) Start by introducing your topic.
Tell the reader why your topic is important. Feel free to use a few sources to support your introduction. Then end your introduction with a thesis statement.
An example of a thesis statement is the following. “___________ is a challenge women face in society because of X, Y, and Z.” When you mention the reasons (X, Y, Z) I will expect to see them clearly discussed in the next section of your paper. This should be towards the end of your introduction.
Body/Why this ‘thing’ perpetuates inequality and is challenging. (7.5 points, at least 2 full pages written in essay form, use sub-headings to help navigate the essay if needed):
Here you will share your research and explain why your topic is challenge for women or gender/sexuality minorities.
You must incorporate information from our OER textbook somewhere in this section. You must incorporate information from at least three other sources (outside your textbook) in this section. All sources must be cited. Start this section with a descriiptive heading and use subheadings to help organize the reasons. Think of a textbook chapter, there is a subheading that tells the reader what the content of that section is.
Theory (7.5 points, at least 1 full page written in essay form, use sub-headings to help navigate the essay):
Thoroughly explain one theory from the class textbook chapter on theory.
Apply that one theory concretely to the topic you have chosen. Explain how your theory would analyze your topic.
Do not use personal examples, this is a research paper.
Part 2-Provide REAL resources for those facing this inequality.
Resources for women facing this inequality: Research local/national resources that are available to help those in regards to your topic (i.e. non-profits, counseling, classes, shelters, safe homes, lawyers, etc.) This section is worth 7.5 points, should be around 1 full page, and written in a logical, organized manner.It is okay to write this section in outline/bullet point format.
Provide three resources and state what each resource is (services, agencies, non-profit organization, etc.).
Include the URL or physical address, phone number, or other contact information.
Describe in detail what each resource offers (e.g., workshops, emergency care, self-help advice, etc.).
General guidelines
Do not include a cover page, running head, or abstract
Typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, left justify, use 12-point serif font such as Times New Roman.
Each section should be a series of fully formed and cohesive sentences and paragraphs. Include specific concepts, definitions, explanations, and links to class materials and outside sources as specified in the project prompt.
Use college-level English writing skills. Proofread your papers. Proofread and edit each other’s work. Every student is responsible for every word, comma, citation, idea, etc.
Paraphrase instead of quote. I don’t want to read a bunch of quotes, though a few are okay. I want to see your words and how you process the ideas of others.
How to cite your sources
I want to see your words and how you process the ideas of others. Be sure to cite any ideas you got from the textbook chapters, other course materials, and outside sources, This project requires that you incorporate concepts from the class textbook chapters, supplemental readings, and outside sources.
You may use APA, ASA, or MLA format for citing, whichever you prefer. It is very important to document your sources properly. Please utilize library services if you need help with citing.