My research question: “How individual differences in personality and experiences

My research question: “How individual differences in personality and experiences

My research question: “How individual differences in personality and experiences affect one’s dreams”
Audience: People who struggle with nightmares and people who have good dreams and remember them
A possible answer or reason to this question would be people with hard lives or trauma may have nightmares or night terrors. People with less trauma or none may have good dreams or just not have nightmares as often if ever
I need to look into whether personality or experiences even affect dreams. I need to talk to people who have different lives and see what they dream about.
Does life trauma affect your dreams?
Why do you remember some dreams and others you don’t?
Does someone with a mental illness dream the same way someone who doesn’t dreams?
Is there an emotion that causes night terrors to occur?
If someone never had trauma in their life or was never scared would they ever have a nightmare?
Assignment:Note: This assignment is part of your Project 2 grade. Please take extra care with this assignment. This blog is worth 25% of your Project 2 grade. In Unit 1, you did some preliminary research on your topic and now, in Unit 2, you’ve narrowed it down to a research question. As we’ve discussed, however, research questions need to be divided into smaller, manageable questions. For this assignment, you will find two sources that each work to answer questions you have–and that help you move towards an answer for your research question.Purpose: For this assignment, you will find two sources that each work to answer questions you have–and that help you move towards an answer for your research question. You will provide a summary of each and then write a reflection guided by the questions provided below with the goal of helping you and your reader better understand your next steps in developing your larger research project. Your task is to persuade your instructor and classmates that you are exploring effectively, demonstrating intellectual curiosity, reading rhetorically and with an open mind. You will want to show that you are learning something new about your topic with each post and you will ultimately want to show how the process of writing this blog has impacted your understanding of the issue and of the focus of your research project. Audience: Your instructor and classmates
Genre: The genre you are writing in is a blog. Please see the assignment introduction page for more details. Skills learned/practiced: source selection, rhetorical analysis, summary, synthesis
Write your research question at the top of the post.
Then below that, write out the questions that you developed previously (this will be the start of your log). Feel free to include any new questions that have occurred to you since then. Do some research on the library webpageLinks to an external site. or on Google or Google Scholar until you find sources that answer your questions (that you just listed for #2) a) in a way you can understand and b) that help you understand the large conversation better. Be sure to practice lateral reading to ensure that these are reliable sources! Once you’ve found two sources you like: Post a link to each source (I’m looking for 2 sources). Below the link for that source, write the author of the source, title of the source, and location of the source. (For example, his might look like: “Waking up Tomorrow” by John Jones in NYTimes, or “Fundamental Skills for Nurses” by Jana Pickett in Journal for Medicine.)
Then, below each link (so that I know which summary matches which link) include a rhetorical summary with each one of your sources. The Rhetorical Summary for Research Logs Page provides you with the guiding questions that will help you write a rhetorical summary.
Step 3: Reflect on your next steps. After you’ve answered the questions above for each of those sources, post a summary of what you feel you understand about your topic, what you are confused about, what questions you still have. You should also discuss:What questions do you have now that you did not have before? What might you want to research next? (You might consider Guidelines for generating good research topics and questions as you try to come up with questions to follow in your next post.)
What do you understand (overall) about your research question and its potential answers? What aspect of the topic are you most interested in? You will have to start narrowing your research to a smaller sub-topic or question within your general topic. What ideas do you have for this narrowed focus? You might think about the article you’ve found most interesting or what major questions, problem or possible solution, you’ve found most interesting so far. If you were going to explain this topic to someone, what are the parts you would be less confident explaining? What are some phrases or terms that you see repeated a lot in your sources that might help you search for more articles on this topic? (For example, if I’m researching COVID, I might see that some sources refer to it as “coronavirus disease” or SARS-CoV-2. I may see that a lot of sources mention something called “long COVID”.)